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  • Everything I know about Tommy Tollarico makes me glad I barely know anything about him
    Can't get Monkey Ball this month due to low funds so if anyone has a Switch, here's a code for a free in game hat: C0T0N3VKT77R1GWX
    Any of ya planning to watch DC Fandome, those stupid world destroying scams know as NFTs aside, I am pretty excited
    If it's on YouTube, I can stream it, just remember to boo when NFTs and Geoff Johns is on screen
    Remember, folks, I will be streaming the Smash presentation tomorrow if you're interested!
    i'll try and be there hehe
    Saw something cute earlier, my cat was waiting at my door and a couple of kids were petting her and she had no problem with it, cats are such sweethearts
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    Reactions: zel
    Okay, I was really hungry earlier and saw a guy have a sticker of alien pointing at me so for awhile I thought he actually did had the alien and like bro why are you pointing at me, do you have a problem
    I genuinely can't take the argument of someone who calls themselves a "true fan" seriously after seeing so much of them fail to make any debate points beyond "old stuff is better", "cringe", "SJW pandering" and "it's for babies now"
    I had dreams of dead ponies last night for some reason
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I had a dream about a Walmart in space for the second time in like a week and a half.
    So, is the ship name for Mega Man Volnut and Tron Bonne is MegaTron?
    The need to be "professional" = designs are far less fun and memorable
    bamco is a video game company specializing in anime licensed games

    they make games for all platforms, even moblie
    It's times like this where I love I haven't changed The Dark Winds logo
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    That new logo is ugly and looks so generic.
    The internet has made me never want to be near a tech nerd ever ever ever
    You got a gaming PC? That's great, how about you play on it and not look down on me cause I looked into and decided it's not for me
    I get it, that tablet is more powerful but mine works just fine and I don't have that kind of money
    My main problem is that they don't seem to understand choice, it's generally fault of them attracting a bubble of who think the same so they think everyone else thinks the same or is stupid or an enemy, no one should decide someone's life out of a sense of superiority, if someone is content with the tech they choose, let them be, it has no bearing on your life.
    Thank goodness, if there is any here they are really quiet cause I haven't seen em
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