Good wishes aren't always good wishes

ShyGuy27 said:
Granted. The lack of wishing your last wish gives you a new wish. But oh no! The new wish is poisoned! You die. (Yes, wishes can be poisoned.)

I wish I had 1000 posts.
Somebody keeps shouting "ITS OVER 1000!"

...I wish for a wish.
Once again, poison wish.

I wish I was immune to every disease that has or ever will exist.
Granted u are immortal, but soon u get so bored u kill yourself.

I wish i was :Mario:.
ParaBob-omb said:
Granted u are immortal, but soon u get so bored u kill yourself.

I wish i was :Mario:.
You get hit by a goomba and die. We all mock you for your epic phailure.

I wish for a fish that can wish with a dish.
SmartGuy said:
Granted, But the fish wishes to be gigantic and eats you

I wish for exploding waffles.
Wow this is just too easy. But that wouldn't be any fun...

You eat the waffle. It doesn't explode yet, but when it gets in the sewage system (as, well, you know...), it somehow get into the center of the Earth and explodes the world.

I wish for a SNES. With comtrollers.
Smiddle said:
Granted, but it immediately asplodes for some, probably, weird reason.

I wish for fore.
Granted, now only you can say fore. So when you were walking past a golf course, a golf ball hit you and you died.

I wish. That's it. Can't think of a wish.
Granted, but the guy who posted you is a jerk and somehow managed to post.

I wish Weird Al would make his 13th album soon.
Free Loader said:
He releases tomorrow, you get it. It's his worst album ever, he decides to stop his music career because everyone hated it so much.

I wish I had some nice tasty chicken wings, and that someone didn't use the all too obvious "They make you sick" excuse.
That's two wishes. You only get one. You are killed.

I wish I hadn't died *checks* three posts ago.
SmartGuy said:
not grantd cuz der iz no wish

i wish i wud stop speekin in lolspeak
Granted, now you can't speak.

I wish that I could think of something to post here.
ShyGuy27 said:
SmartGuy said:
not grantd cuz der iz no wish

i wish i wud stop speekin in lolspeak
Granted, now you can't speak.

I wish that I could think of something to post here.
Granted, but you posted a completely pointless message,

I wish I could meet 'Weird Al' Yankovic.
Since you didn't wish, I kill you.

I wish I had and lived on a private island where nothing could ever go wrong.
Snack said:
Granted, nothing goes wrong and you die of old age, surrounded by reporters who then cut up your corpse and sell chunks of it on eBay.

I wish I could ignore ShyGuy27's post and reply to Uniju with the awesome post I was going to make.
Granted, but you forget what you wanted to post.

I wish I was L. (no spoilers please for Garlic's sake)