Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, as a result, every company goes bankrupt, including Nintendo (and Mario Plumbing, Inc.).

I wish I had a driver’s license.
Granted, the game is called "Waluigi's Statue", and involves Mario and Luigi trapped in a statue of Waluigi. There are many enemies that look like him, but Waluigi himself doesn't appear anywhere in the game.

I wish some pancakes.
Granted, but nothing changes (because it is already possible to do that (even have the picture have him), but he doesn't keep the mushroom for more than a few seconds.

Let's do this correctly. I wish enemies (all enemies that can receive one right now) in Super Mario Maker (and it 3DS remake) were able to receive 1 or 2 Super Mushrooms from the players and not lose them unless shaken.
Granted, but the Shroobs thought you kidnapped one of their friends, so they attacked you.

I wish normal Dry Bones were in Odyssey.
Granted, only one appears and it's practically unused because you can't reach it.

I wish Nintendo made a remake of Super Mario RPG (already made this wish, but hey, I wanna have a remake of that game).
Granted, however all the original characters are replaced with clones of Tidus from Final Fantasy X.

I wish for world peace. (Yeah I'm running out of ideas...)
Granted, but now, it's winter, so you got sick.

I wish there was more stuff in Virgin Megastore.
Granted, but you also made every bad wish possible.

I wish the Darker Side area with the Bowser's Kingdom music in Odyssey was easier and not that stressful.