The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

So I'm going to be away from the 19th until mid-day on the 25th.

Don't modkill me in Mafia games. Also don't randomly bandwagon me. Hosts will make sure my powers remain in use. Like other users have done in previous games, I have selected people to carry out my powers for me. Hopefully I didn't pick the wrong ones.
I'm leaving tomorrow and I'll probably be back sometime on the 24th.

EDIT: I'm back for a day and a half before leaving for another week.
Haaaii Koopa Kid, nice to meet you.
I'm most likely away on the 8th of July, for at least 5 hours.
Reason: I'm invited for Nintendo's Post E3 Event at their office in Nieuwegein.
It was a Press Invite, so basically all Dutch press members have been invited.
No, that's for people that weren't at the E3 itself, so games like Zelda: Skyward Sword, Kirby Wii, Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Kart, Super Mario, and more will be available to play.
See that as a kind of after party.
Calm down, July 8th is yet to come, it's not like I'm saying that I was on July 8th, I said I'm going at July 8th.
I will leaving tomorrow to Hawaii to go to cruise ship and I will come back at July 11 and hopefully this ship have internet so I can use this forum, I heard there is 20 feet TV screen for Wii, if there is no SSBB, I will be upset