The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Hey Jesus Freak. Think I've seen you a long time ago.
I'm gonna be at a Melee tournament at school from noon to six or seven. I'll probably get roflstomped in the first round but you know what, I don't care. The game is fun even when I'm loosing. We'll also have TVs set up playing Mario Kart for the more casual people. I'll probably set up Destroy all Monsters Melee and challenge some people in that. That's a game I can beat people in.
I still won't be very active as I have two more exams next week, then I am done.

Also, my mental state is kind of at a low, I am at an emotional low at the moment for a combination of a lot of reasons and events so that might also affect my activity.
Right, I'm off now, see you guys on the tenth. Make sure you feed the cat, and put Smasher to bed at a reasonable hour. Food is in the Marioverse, there's ready meals and everything. Oh, and keep Glowsquid out of the Mindless Junk section. If I find him dead when I get back, you are all grounded! Toodles!
Иeptune said:
Right, I'm off now, see you guys on the tenth. Make sure you feed the cat, and put Smasher to bed at a reasonable hour. Food is in the Marioverse, there's ready meals and everything. Oh, and keep Glowsquid out of the Mindless Junk section. If I find him dead when I get back, you are all grounded! Toodles!
Make sure to take 3D Player 2004 with you! He's a bad boy!
Welcome back, Lily and Jesus Freak (though I wasn't here when you were last here).

Also lol at Ice's rhyme.

Bye Neppy, have fun.
So like tomorrow morning i'm leaving on a trip with my mom to go see my relatives (yay!) in West Virginia. Also while i'm up there i'll be taking an additional side trip to that creation museum thing that Ken Hamster founded as well as another side trip to a cabin that's supposed to be in the middle nowhere. I'm sure exactly how long this trip'll last but according to my mom we'll be back around the 22nd. I might be able to get some internet access at some point but if I do i'll probably just be looking at e3 and youtube stuff.

postscript: i'll still be around for the rest of the night
Cosmo the Spacedog said:
So like tomorrow morning i'm leaving on a trip with my mom to go see my relatives (yay!) in West Virginia.


Wow for such a relatively small community, so much happens on here in the space of two weeks. You people are insane amazing.

just back to help finish spotlight for next month over the weekend and then I'll probably go again until the holidays so really this is just non-news I guess

also hi/bye anyone who returned/left while I wasn't here!
New Super Mario said:
OK, so I'm sort of back. Won't be back in fullswing until Wednesday, but yeah, I'm kind of here.

NSM are you in fullswing now?