The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

MCS said:
I'm just rather offended that not a single person welcomed me back from my trip and it was overshadowed by NintendoQueen's arrival here. Am I really not cared about here? I'm going through a rough patch in real life right now and dealing with some personal problems so I might be overreacting to something petty, but...this just isn't going well with me for some reason.

eh id rather be ignored

i return after months and people are all "oh its just you"

but im not concerned anyway.

I dont see why it matters though. Everyone has their own importantance and priorities, and you may not be one of them.

That's something you really need to understand and really get over, because quite frankly if you keep being offended by that you're just gonna cause stress on yourself.

I know not everyone has the "oh well" attitude that i have but seriously dont expect big welcome backs a lot of the times because it just doesnt happen.

Then again i wasnt even offended when almost no one said much about my birthday.
Phantom L said:
What have I done....
Nothing wrong at least. You are a nice person that everyone knows. Nothing wrong with that.
Guys, this is probably the shittiest argument in the history of the Internet.

"oh boo hoo poor me nobody typed me a two-word message, nobody loves me, don't look at me, i'm hideous"

And why the hell do people feel the need to call out Smasher when he didn't do anything wrong?
Ralph, none of us said anything wrong about Smasher, don't feel attacked for him.

Lily, you didn't do anything wrong, I just took a few known people as an example.
I could have called a few other names, if I knew any within a range of 5 seconds.

Lakitu and Unknown Entity, glad you both understand, at least, the only ones I see so far, both on the Internet, and in real life.
Ralph said:
Guys, this is probably the shittiest argument in the history of the Internet.

"oh boo hoo poor me nobody typed me a two-word message, nobody loves me, don't look at me, i'm hideous"

And why the hell do people feel the need to call out Smasher when he didn't do anything wrong?

this is an argument?

holy balls i didnt even notice

oh btw a lot of people intend to moan and whine if they dont get their form of attention versus some gets more attention

kind of a human thing eh
Ralph said:
Guys, this is probably the shittiest argument in the history of the Internet.
"Argument"? More like a share of experience. Even if, it isn't Internet exclusive.

MKGirlism said:
Lakitu and Unknown Entity, glad you both understand, at least, the only ones I see so far, both on the Internet, and in real life.
I have to say, on the Internet I have this problem much less.

Kinda funny actually, how one's personallity can be quite different inbetween the two.
I got hit with a weakspot in that moment and shared my sorrows/sympathies.

That was all.

I admit I got offended with what Ralph said for being an otherwise "heartless bastard" with that post. Even though that definition fits me too.

I love to contradict myself.

Mind you, I don't act like a jackass in real life. I am well-mannered. I just like to let out my demons over the internet because zero fucks will be given.
I didn't get drugged PMs.

So to explain why I pretty much disappeared from these forums from the past week, my family went college touring. Fun fun fun. On the plus side, I got to meet a guy who did a "small portion" of the translation for Metal Gear 2. So that's cool.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning. for a week to spend time down with my mother's mother (I call her my Nana). She lives down near Ocean City, Maryland. I hate beaches, so I expect it to be a long week. Later.
Basically tomorrow I go to Paris and I'm coming back Wednesday, afternoon is the expected time, but who knows