The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Rin, there is no such thing as hate here. And if people don't like you, improve.
Not really leaving or coming back, just a life update:

Most of you probably won't notice the difference. =P
I hope everything works out for you in the long run, Mason!
I've got a question about Yami's ban.

Yami contacted me over Skype, since she doesn't get what's wrong with this post.

Yami on Skype said:
I mean, I fully understood the first Ban, which was indeed a bit racial afterwards, and I understood the warning about making a pedophilia joke, but this time, I'm Banned for a very silly reason, I don't even know why.
They only gave me a URL (, and a vague reason: "Continued controversial comments even after being given a last warning. Banning for a month since her last ban was two weeks".

Can someone give an explanation?
I think that post, even if it was only a bit racist, was the tip of the iceberg of several insulting comments since her last ban, which includes the pedophillia joke. Stop me if i'm wrong.
Radagast the Brown said:
I think that post, even if it was only a bit racist, was the tip of the iceberg of several insulting comments since her last ban, which includes the pedophillia joke. Stop me if i'm wrong.
I think you are on the money.

I also think I am on the money when I say that using this thread as a thread for discussing bans is probably a bad idea.
Mason said:
Not really leaving or coming back, just a life update:

Most of you probably won't notice the difference. =P

Good luck with everything, Mason.
Radagast the Brown said:
I think that post, even if it was only a bit racist, was the tip of the iceberg of several insulting comments since her last ban, which includes the pedophillia joke. Stop me if i'm wrong.
This is the reasoning, yes.

Now like Pi said, it'd be nice if we didn't turn this into the Official Ban-Discussing Thread.
Okay, so you may have noticed me posting some, so in this case, I'm not totally, 100% gone, my activity is just going to be very low as I will be traveling to other places in Internet Land to get over this place.

So I'm Somewhat-inactive.

Neptune's right, once you're here, you cannot leave. :eek:
Gundam Tanaka said:
NSY said:
Rin, there is no such thing as hate here. And if people don't like you, improve.
Then why do you always complain that no one will ever like you...?
Because that was the days when I was a horrible user.

Also Ralph please don't post qutoes of the uncomfortable times.