What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Wind Waker HD

More sidequests (yay). I have got the Swift Sail. I also decided to started the triforce hunt now, got one of the three charts and have payed to make it readable. Still need to find it's location. I've did get one of the other shards though. Starting to think it's time that I enter one of the temples.
Im gonna play super mario world!!!
rusty hearts

made a new character, meilin, who ive gotten up to level 19 with.

game's level growth isnt quite as bad as i remember, and plus that battle system is amazing.
Pokemon X

Traded with and battled my friend. First time, I swept with Aegislash because he let me keep using swords dance. Second time, my 3DS ran out of battery, but I probably would have lost.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.

Beat Skull Woods, got the Tempered Sword (or rather, Master Sword Lv2, as it's called in this game...), got the Bee Badge, found some more Maiamais, and bought and upgraded the Tornado Rod.
Fire Emblem Awakening

Did some double Duels with my friend and got up to Chapter 16.

So Marth is Chrom's daughter. Never saw that coming.

Rayman Legends

Got to Olympus Maximus. I like the giant hand of god trying to kill you with lightning.
Dracomon said:
I'm not really familiar with the names yet....also I haven't got to the point where you have to choose only 8 units yet. I suspect that this next chapter I'll have to.
advice: when you get ephraim, use him and the cavaliers.