What do you do when you don't have a game everybody has?

Turkish Bottle Thing

King Bowser
Sorry, but lately I'm really dubious about what games to buy. Recently, my friends talk to me about stuff like Dark Souls, or Assassin's creed, or Skyrim, etc. But I don't have any of that, because I've been spending my money more on the Marios and stuff. Obviously if a game is bad I ignore it, even if everyone plays it lol. But it gets serious when it's a good game, because then there's the dilemma of which game to get: The one everyone has or the one I want.

What do you guys do in a situation like this :-\?
I think it's better to just stick with games you enjoy playing. People have different tastes, so just because there's a game that, say, "everyone" likes, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll enjoy it. You'll have to discover what your tastes and preferences are.

For example, I have Undertale and many of my friends have played it. Yet it never clicked with me long enough for me to stick to playing with it. I don't think its gameplay is anything special. I haven't experienced enough story to have a take to it but so far, I'm not drawn into it as I thought I would.

Another thing is, well, I don't play popular online games online. Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., Left 4 Dead 2, and GTA V...I exclusively play them offline or local because that's how I enjoy these games most.
I don't have a Switch either.

Also what if you have to choose between 2 games that are also 10/10 and good for my tastes preferences, but one is more popular than the other?
Wellll, if you have Steam, you can always buy either game and, within 14 days of purchase, then play them under an hour (so you can fully refund one) and find out which one gets you in the mood better.
You just have to make a decision, then. Research the games online with videos or reading articles about them, maybe ask questions on forums that specialize those games. But ultimately, it's really up to you to make that decision, not anyone else.
Back when I used to be a countdown maker, I would sometimes get recommendations for games that were popular at the time. One such recommendation was Team Fortress 2 since it was free and everyone and their brother absolutely adored it, I decided to check it out one lazy day afternoon but honestly couldn't get into it. Might be partially attributed to the fact that my laptop is trash and can't keep the framerate consistent, but I just didn't have that much fun.

Like BLOF said, it might be better to look into what your getting first to see if it looks like something you might be interested in.
I go with the flow when it comes to games with the occasional not popular game.
Mr. Saltman said:
I mean I'm talking about console games.
I mean those games are probably most popular on PC.
Almost everyone in my school talks non-stop about Fortnite.

Do I care? Heck naw, it’s not that good of a game imo. Tried it when a friend brought his PS4 in my house.
Tl;dr version:
- Get a job to pay for them
- Sell stuff / Trade in old stuff to pay for them
- Borrow your friends' copies
- Borrow them from the library
- Rent them
- Don't bother with them

I like to be frugal with my game purchases because there's so many I want to play but I'm not a billionaire (yet). If you want to do the same but not sure how, read on:
If you're going to buy, shop around and see what's on offer. Dark Souls is a few years old now. It's easy to find in the bargain bin or pre-owned section. If you have one of the previous-gen consoles (XB360 / PS3) then it will be way cheaper on those. Don't bother with the remaster unless you really want it on Switch. It will also cost a lot more.

Don't be afraid to buy used. When I was growing up we couldn't afford to buy new most of the time. Some people will get in your face about it ('it only supports the retailer not the devs') but when you're trying to be frugal you need to prioritise the amount you're spending. You can buy used from game shops, eBay, etc.

Don't be afraid to wait a few months after release to buy a game. You can get most games for half the price after about 6 months, less still after a year.

Depending on where you live, importing the game may be cheaper as well. I'm from Australia where games can be almost double that if the US so importing from US, UK, Japan, etc can be good for me.

In terms of renting, some physical game stores still offer it but they're rare and mostly died with Blockbuster. Some libraries (you know, the place with walls of books) carry video games so check them out because they may have what you want and they're free. Also, all the current-gen consoles have - or will soon have - a service that gives you access to their digital library of games for a subscription fee.
- Xbox One has the best offerring with Xbox Games Pass. This gives you access to about 200 games - including new ones like Sea of Thieves - whenever you feel like.
- PSN+ has been going for years and gives you free games every month on all the Playstation consoles (PS4, PS3 and Vita). It is luck if the draw but they do have some solid titles every now and then.
- Nintendo Switch will soon have a service that will give you access to a library of NES games. Tbh it isn't anywhere near as nice as the other offerings but it's there and it's also going to be a lot cheaper.

Finally, don't be afraid to play free games. There are so many good free options around these days like League of Legends, Starcraft/2, Fortnite, etc. You don't need to get caught up in the capitalist rat race, there will always be new games that want your money and you won't be able to buy or play them all. So, be smart. Be frugal.
Usually in this case I ask my mum if she can buy them, but most of the time she says NO. In this case I start freaking out from the inside.