Ask Chain


The True Power Master
Banned User
Wasn't sure if this would go in the Ask Board or not, but probably fits better in Forum Games considering how it works.

Anyway, point of this game is to ask a question. Random someone comes along to answer it and then they have to give a question of their own. The circle of life continues. Simple.

*Only reply to the most recent question, not any from before.
*Do not double post to answer your own question(s).
*This is not a personal ask thread. If you want questions that are directed at you specifically or to direct a question at a specific someone, go to the Ask Board subforum and post in the appropriate topic/make a topic of your own.

Now then, let's get started:

What is your favorite song?
That is my favourite song.
What is your favourite movie?
Fire Emblem Warriors
Favourite genre of music?
Some school near Syria, it was pretty creepy...

Your biggest fear?
What is your favourite place?
Whereever Baby Luigi is at at the moment

Do you know any Russian words?
The Baby characters made for Mario Kart, because they suck and they're useless.

Favourite food?
Fire Emblem Warriors if the question is asking for a video game, if it is not a video game, chess. Do you know any German?
I typically bounce between Galaxy and TTYD, it's hard for me to say which is my definitive favorite though.

Favorite character in Dragon Ball?