Most annoying level in Super Mario Sunshine


Monty Mole
:mario: What's the most annoying level in mario sunshine or which one do you hate the most?

For my top 3:

1. Pianta village - Secret of the Underside
They probably designed this to infuriate people the most. Every dang time when I talk to the chucksters (they always say "I'M A CUHCKSTER" like that's news) I always get thrown at an angle, or hit the sign or some random thing, or hit my head OFF OF THE NEXT PLATFORM. Doing the level the first time is bad enough but when you have to use the chucksters to throw you to the red coins later it makes me RAGE!!!

2. Ricco Harbor - Blooper red coins (or whatever the name is) This is an annoying one. Not only do you have to ride a blooper and collect red coins which involved jumping over objects and steering around them tightly but if you bump into anything you die instantly. Even more infuriating than the red coins is the fact that even when the shine sprite appears YOU STILL NEED TO RIDE THE BLOOPER AND COLLECT IT!!! I think I've died in this level more times when going to get the shine rather than actually collecting the red coins.

3. Sirena Beach - Phantamanta. Some may disagree but this level gets on my nerves. At first the manta ray is huge and will electrocute you pretty much everywhere and it also leaves behind a trail of the electric goop. Basically you need to keep spraying all the time or you will touch the phantamanta and get shocked. I know it's not supposed to be a overly hard mission but it is very rage worthy for me

Honorable mentions -
The Goopy Inferno in pianta village - This actually isn't that hard, if you watch some let's plays there are ways to bypass the lava and reach the golden mushroom without going under the village, however these are very hit or miss.

Red Coins in a bottle in Noki Bay - The missions where you have to go underwater get on my nerves frankly. Also, how does fludd even shoot water when Mario is already surrounded by water? This alone bothers me to the point where I dislike the mission. Also in the underwater levels like this it's hard to manuever and the you can't really adjust the camera
1. Blooper Coin surfing in Ricco Harbor. For pretty much the same reasons Draggadonyoshi said. I find this to be a terrible design choice if the most challenging part of the level requires you to either get the Star or die smacking into a log if you're not 100% precise.

2. Panchiko Machine. Probably among the most badly designed official Mario levels in history.

3. Any levels that require you to steer that boat or whatever like that one in Corona Mountain

4. Sandbird level was a disappointment, I wanted to see an actual sand bird, not some blocky thing that is a nightmare to platform on thanks to terrible slope detection.
Magikrazy said:
So, uh...

nobody's gonna mention the toxic lily pad ride?
Oh yes this one.
First off you die instantly just from touching the water. And at first you would think it's clear, non-polluted water but NOPE it's apparently more toxic than the polluted water in the other levels.
Second, you get only one lily pad and it disappears slowly, if you don't get all the red coins before it does then you're screwed pretty much
And finally the warp pipe at the end. Any normal person would think it brings you back to the start of the level but NOPE IT' TAKES YOU ALL THE WAY BACK TO DELFINA PLAZA AND YOU HAVE TO DO THE LONG-ASS BOAT RIDE WITH YOSHI ALL OVER AGAIN
I actually don't remember if you can access the pipe later without Yoshi after the first time you use him to spray the yellow stuff off but still it's really annoying when you have to go back to the island
Mario Claus said:
The pachinko machine.
I don't consider this one as bad as the other ones I mentioned. However it does have no camera control which makes for very chunky game mechanics.
everything about the pachinko machine is broken and does not belong in a single Mario game

in fact, Sunshine has a lot of things that shouldn't have passed Mario quality standards
I agree with quality standards. Besides the gameplay a lot of things in sunshine just don't make sense although I kind of think maybe the developers were aware and put that in just to *bleep* with the older gamers. For instance, the blue coin shop on the side of the lighthouse is literally HOARDING THE SHINE SPRITES. Which mario was arrested for letting them escape. Additionally, a number of missions in the game have Mario receiving a shine sprite from another character as a prize for doing something. Why don't the police go after those Piantas/Nokis/tanuki shop owners? Smh. My theory is that the blue coin shop is indeed the work of Shadow Mario because it is part of the lighthouse came up from the goop that he put there.
Also notice how absolutely no one in Delfino Plaza seems to care and leave Mario to do everything. I wonder what would happen if the events of this game progressed and Mario & Co never took a vacation to isle delfino. For instance, there's one pianta on fire in Delfino Plaza, probably even before Mario got there and no one bothered to help him. Also when Shadow Mario appears in the Delfino Plaza, Mario chases him right through the town square, IN PLAIN VIEW OF THE POLICE WHO ARRESTED HIM AT THE START OF THE GAME. What the actual *bleep*.

When I played the game when I was younger I didn't even think of any of this, all I cared about was beating the missions and collecting Shines. I'm sure that's what nintendo intends for Mario games' target demographic and occasionally puts in this questionable stuff just to mess with older players, although it hasn't really appeared in Galaxy or future platformers.
Draggadonyoshi said:
I agree with quality standards. Besides the gameplay a lot of things in sunshine just don't make sense although I kind of think maybe the developers were aware and put that in just to *bleep* with the older gamers. For instance, the blue coin shop on the side of the lighthouse is literally HOARDING THE SHINE SPRITES. Which mario was arrested for letting them escape. Additionally, a number of missions in the game have Mario receiving a shine sprite from another character as a prize for doing something. Why don't the police go after those Piantas/Nokis/tanuki shop owners? Smh. My theory is that the blue coin shop is indeed the work of Shadow Mario because it is part of the lighthouse came up from the goop that he put there.
Also notice how absolutely no one in Delfino Plaza seems to care and leave Mario to do everything. I wonder what would happen if the events of this game progressed and Mario & Co never took a vacation to isle delfino. For instance, there's one pianta on fire in Delfino Plaza, probably even before Mario got there and no one bothered to help him. Also when Shadow Mario appears in the Delfino Plaza, Mario chases him right through the town square, IN PLAIN VIEW OF THE POLICE WHO ARRESTED HIM AT THE START OF THE GAME. What the actual *bleep*.

the government is racist
I hate how when you die it says "Too Bad".

It's like the game is teasing you and rubbing it in your face. So f***ing annoying.
TheSuperStarSaga said:
I hate how when you die it says "Too Bad".

It's like the game is teasing you and rubbing it in your face. So f***ing annoying.
I think it adds to the stupid kiddiness to the game, so it's fine.

It's really the music in Sunshine that taunts you; that effing MIDI trumpet fanfare and percussion with that off-note honk at the end really taunts you.
^Oh yes. Especially the ones where you're likely to die over and over (namely the red coin blooper episode and all the secret levels)
You know that red coin blooper thing? I took so many tries getting all red coins and I DID IT WITH THE PINK BLOOPER. I didn't even realize they had stat differences because the game told you to "just pick your favorite color". And one time I actually got ALL red coins after so many tries but I was so dismayed that I had to continue blooper surfing and jump to get to the Sprite. I then died trying to hop over those goddamn logs with the shitty hit detection, and then I posted my long-winding rant on Marioboards afterward.
I'd say most of the bonus stages and a few of the episode 8s for the reasons already stated.
The Chuckster level probably wins outright though, because unlike most of the others, it isn't optional and there really isn't much you can do to make it better. Even memorization doesn't help that much because there aren't that many things you can use as indicators. And, of course (Language Warning for a few F words):

Does this also make this the most entertaining stage to watch?
The most annoying level for sure is the toxic lily pad level. A lot of us brought up on how this level is punishing with unintuitive design choices, but special honour goes to how you reach this level. Basically, the entrance to this level is blocked by deadly goop that only Yoshi can destroy, and to bring Yoshi there normally, you need to take a few boats there since that place is surrounded by water.

Even though the Chucksters are supposed to be annoying based on Chugga A. Conroy's Let's Play, I am surprised by how little trouble I have with this level. On the other hand, the Red Coins are definitely annoying due to the open-ended nature of this level.

Thank you for reading.
JoshJepson's let's play of the chuckster level is a 100x more entertaining than Chuggaaconroy's. Made entertaining by the fact that he calls the Piantas "Avatar". Also IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO GO AT AN ANGLE. Lmao
Pachinko Machine stands out to me as it's the biggest thing that contributed to me quitting that game, making it remain the only 3D Mario game I have not defeated Bowser in.
Any timed Red Coin challenge, specially the one with the Bloopers

The Pachinko machine

The poison lily pad ride

The boat in Corona Mountain

Finding all of the Blue Coins

That stupid panel in the Hotel Delfino casino

100% completion was worth it
Slushy the Slushball said:
Pachinko Machine stands out to me as it's the biggest thing that contributed to me quitting that game, making it remain the only 3D Mario game I have not defeated Bowser in.
The Pachinko Machine is optional though. You only need to clear the seventh episode of each level to reach Bowser.


How could I forget this fucking level


Just fuck this fucking level

if you fail you die and have to reenter this episode and shit, but the aiming in this level is wonky as hell. I think I was fortunate to complete after a few tries take a break, and then somehow the next attempt with the mindset of "meh I'll just fail again" somehow succeeded
I barely remember that level.
I did too.

My memory is trying to suppress the frustration I had though.

But it's yet another level I can add to Sunshine's collection of ridiculously frustrating aspects, which is also poorly designed. I can get that the aiming is bad and all. But killing you if you fail, thus unnecessarily wasting the player's time? That's not excusable.

It's too bad Sunshine missed the opportunity to include the garbage-clearing minigame from Galaxy 1.
LeftyGreenMario said:
I did too.

My memory is trying to suppress the frustration I had though.

But it's yet another level I can add to Sunshine's collection of ridiculously frustrating aspects, which is also poorly designed. I can get that the aiming is bad and all. But killing you if you fail, thus unnecessarily wasting the player's time? That's not excusable.

It's too bad Sunshine missed the opportunity to include the garbage-clearing minigame from Galaxy 1.
I kinda like SomeCallMeJohnny's take on the game: It's an alright Mario game... unless you're going for 100%, in which case it's miserable.
Sounds like Yoshi's Island DS too.

GOD GAWD I still have nightmares of that Rock 'n' Fall level in my sleep.