Vending machine

BBQ Turtle gets Nabbit's gloves

A51 inserts soup
Luigi 64DD gets confusedfidence.

Koops inserts a random user.
Luigi 64DD gets a whining ghost that follows him wherever he goes.

Koops inserts a bunch of paperwork.
Koops gets a pile of shredded paper.
BBQ Turtle inserts a haunted book.
A51 gets alien jelly.

Koops inserts a group of Bokoblins.
A51 gets a pile of scrap metal.
Pwwnd123 inserts a game disc.
Pwwnd123 gets to play that game on the vending machine itself.

Koops inserts a robot.
:yoshi: the SSM receives a Vroomba. Get it? A goomba that drives a car! Hahahaha...ha...

Luigi 64DD inserts a caricature of a cartoon drawn by a kid who is stupid.
Luigi 64DD gets a complaint from that kid because you took his drawing.

Koops inserts the sun.
Koops gets the moon.

Pwwnd123 inserts a floppy disk.