What would you do if?

Try to find Santa's house and ask him for help.

What would you do if you had to never play Mario games ever again?
Sue whoever is forbidding me from playing them, so I can play them again; Because it's plain stupid to prohibit someone from playing something as kid-friendly as MARIO.

What would you do if you were forced to have a sleepover with some tween kid who is obsessed with GTA 5 and thinks Nintendo is for babies?
sing do the mario until he gives in

what would you do if you were leader-1(he's the silver jet) in this video
Shoot a laser before the bad guys get to me.

What would you do if Mario killed you with spaghetti?
Be happy that I met Mario, and then wonder what was wrong with that spaghetti.
What would you do if you found yourself locked in a random car?
This is as simple as breaking a window, but I don't remember how to get out...

What would you do if everything in real life was plain (in 2D)?
Probably wake up and unintentionally launch a pillow at him, or potentially my laptop depending on when I went to sleep.
What would you do if you could only drink orange juice for the rest of your life?
Fight the vampire lady that evicted me. (Points to those who get the reference.)

What would you do if you randomly encountered Miyamoto in a elevator?
I would scream like Squidward did.

What would you do if you got 50000000 pizzas?
Awesome! Now I can have pizza as lunch everyday.

What would you if you could fly but you couldn't go near the ground?
I would fly free like a bird but wouldn’t know where to find shelter when there’s a storm.

What would you do if all the electronics in your house became alive?
Cut off the electric.
What would you do if it started raining bowling balls?
I would make a party the first day to celebrate. The next day I'll give mtly ideas for a new Mario game (or any Nintendo series game). I'll also create a new series.

What would you do if you could be in Odyssey as the main character?
Convert it to pounds, buy a lot of games and probably save the rest in the bank.
What would you do if you had your own plane?
I would go to the future and get stuff that's not even released.

What would you if you could breathe underwater?