Any of these moments can be a chapter, a boss battle, a cutscene, or just something that happened in an instant. AND REMEMBER, they both have to be from one mario game. You can have two things that are tied. (Basically, try to follow my example)
Now as for my game, I pick Paper Mario: The thousand year door. For my most favorite parts, I'm tied between Chapter 2, where the Punies follow you, because Its fun to mess with them, and Chapter 3, in the Glitz Pit, because you get so many coins from this.
And my least favorite part is Chapter 4 (at Twilight Town), because despite the fact that I'm 15, it is a creepy level.
Now as for my game, I pick Paper Mario: The thousand year door. For my most favorite parts, I'm tied between Chapter 2, where the Punies follow you, because Its fun to mess with them, and Chapter 3, in the Glitz Pit, because you get so many coins from this.
And my least favorite part is Chapter 4 (at Twilight Town), because despite the fact that I'm 15, it is a creepy level.