Pokémon Sun and Moon

What version of Gen 7 are you going to get?

  • Sun

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • Moon

    Votes: 12 38.7%
  • Both

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Neither

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • There's going to be a gen 7?

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Does anybody here have an Alolan Geodude/Graveler/Golem with Galvanize? Chaining for those seems near impossible for me because they learn Self-Destruct, and it's troublesome to scout for its ability. I would like to have one of those.

Thanks for reading.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

winstein said:
Does anybody here have an Alolan Geodude/Graveler/Golem with Galvanize? Chaining for those seems near impossible for me because they learn Self-Destruct, and it's troublesome to scout for its ability. I would like to have one of those.

Thanks for reading.
Have tried getting a pokemon with DAMP?
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Nanu said:
winstein said:
Does anybody here have an Alolan Geodude/Graveler/Golem with Galvanize? Chaining for those seems near impossible for me because they learn Self-Destruct, and it's troublesome to scout for its ability. I would like to have one of those.

Thanks for reading.
Have tried getting a pokemon with DAMP?

I did, since I caught a Golduck at Poni Gauntlet specifically for this. However, I thought that it's too much trouble after like 10 of them, since Golduck cannot learn Simple Beam until PokeBank. The fact that I have to switch out to one of my ability scouts (Exeggcute with Worry Seed) is troublesome since I need to wait for Geodude to attempt suicide to Disable that move, and besides, the Geodude can easily overwhelm Golduck with their Electric attacks.

I'd say that it's far more troublesome than Sableye and Mareanie, both of which I got Hidden Ability versions of. Recently bred a Regenerator Mareanie with Bold, although I have a Calm version too.

Thanks for reading.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Just got one of the gen 7 shinies I like TOOOOOODAY (Which I like)


I must say that I'm pretty happy with this.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Bank update is out! And there's a special Z Crystal Mew being distributed.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

mew glitch mews are blocked but hey at least you can get hidden ability gengar

oh wait
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Looks like PokeBank is up, though I have no use for it due to not having an older version of Pokemon. It's interesting that the Pokemon is guaranteed to have their Hidden Abilities, which means some good stuff like Sheer Force Body Slam Tauros is available, though on the flip side, no No Guard Fissure Machamp (which is a good thing).

Thanks for reading.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Does anybody have any of the following Pokemon with Hidden Abilities? Using GTS is unreliable in that part, since people don't always understand what I want, even though I put "I want to trade for a Pokemon that is great in battles". Here's the list:

(Notice that there are Starter Pokemon and Fossil Pokemon. The reason for this is, these Pokemon are not available normally, so they are rare.)

Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium (Leaf Guard)
Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion (Flash Fire)
Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon (Defiant)
Tepig/Pignite/Emboar (Thick Fat/Reckless)
Oshawott/Dewott/Samurott (Shell Armour)
Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox (Magician)

Omanyte/Omastar (Weak Armour)
Kabuto/Kabutops (Weak Armour)
Aerodactyl (Unnerve)
Lileep/Cradily (Storm Drain)
Anorith/Armaldo (Swift Swim)
Shieldon/Bastiodon (Soundproof)
Tirtouga/Carracosta (Swift Swim)
Amaura/Aurorus (Snow Warning)

Taillow/Swellow (Scrappy)
Swirlix/Slurpuff (Unburden)
Spiritomb (Infiltrator)
Sewaddle/Swadloon/Leavanny (Overcoat)
Venipede/Whirlipede/Scolipede (Speed Boost)
Swinub/Piloswine/Mamoswine (Thick Fat)
Bergmite/Avalugg (Sturdy)
Gothita/Gothorita/Gothitelle (Shadow Tag)

In return, I could provide any of the following:

Delibird (Insomnia)
Smeargle (Moody)
Stoutland (Scrappy)
Kangaskhan (Inner Focus)
Magmar (Vital Spirit)
Cubone (Battle Armour)
Cleffa (Friend Guard)
Abra (Magic Guard)
Sableye (Prankster) {Recover, Trick, Mean Look, Sucker Punch}
Munchlax (Gluttony) [Note: When traded, will likely be Snorlax]
Alomomola (Regenerator)
Gible (Rough Skin) {Sand Tomb, Outrage}
Lucario (Justified) {Bullet Punch}
Sandile (Anger Point)
Poliwag (Swift Swim) {Water Sport, Encore, Haze, Mist}
Slowpoke (Regenerator)
Snivy (Contrary) {Glare, Grassy Terrain, Mirror Coat}
Charmander (Solar Power) {Flare Blitz/Ancient Power, Belly Drum/Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse}
Froakie (Protean) {Toxic Spikes}
Eevee (Anticipation) {Curse/Detect, Wish, Stored Power, Yawn}
Torchic (Speed Boost) {Feint, Counter, Low Kick, Baton Pass}
Dratini (Marvel Scale) {Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet, Dragon Pulse}
Foongus (Regenerator)
Chimchar (Iron Fist) {Fake Out, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch}
Sentret (Frisk)
Ralts (Telepathy) {Destiny Bond, Shadow Sneak, Encore}
Mr. Mime (Technician)
Chespin (Bulletproof) {Synthesis, Curse, Spikes, Belly Drum/Quick Guard}
Bunnelby (Huge Power)
Bulbasaur (Chlorophyll)
Wooper (Unaware) {Recover, Curse}
Shroomish (Quick Feet) {Bullet Seed, Drain Punch, Charm, Natural Gift}
Mudkip (Damp) {Curse, Yawn, Avalanche, Double-Edge}
Treecko (Unburden) {Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Crunch, Dragon Breath}
Spritzee (Aroma Veil) {Wish}
Beautifly (Rivalry)
Dustox (Compound Eyes)
Totodile (Sheer Force) {Ice Punch, Crunch}
Kecleon (Protean) {Fake Out, Recover}
Tangela (Regenerator) {Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Mega Drain}
Turtwig (Shell Armour) {Wide Guard}
Tyrunt (Sturdy) {Dragon Dance}
Porygon (Analytic)
Carvanha (Speed Boost) {Hydro Pump, Ancient Power, Psychic Fangs}
Cranidos (Sheer Force)
Squirtle (Rain Dish) {Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Aqua Ring, Mirror Coat}

Rattata-A (Thick Fat)
Pikipek (Pickup)
Fomantis (Contrary) {Leaf Storm, Weather Ball, Aromatherapy, Defog}
Rockruff (Steadfast) {Sucker Punch, Thrash, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang}
Crabrawler (Anger Point)
Mareanie (Regenerator) {Haze, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up}
Meowth-A (Rattled)
Morelull (Rain Dish)
Bounsweet (Sweet Veil)
Comfey (Natural Cure)
Yungoos (Adaptability)
Dewpider (Water Absorb)
Stufful (Cute Charm)
Pyukumuku (Unaware)
Salandit (Oblivious)
Bruxish (Wonder Skin)
Sandshrew-A (Slush Rush)
Grimer-A (Power of Alchemy)
Cutiefly (Sweet Veil) {Bestow, Moonblast, Speed Swap, Baton Pass}
Diglett-A (Sand Force)
Sandygast (Sand Veil)
Togedemaru (Sturdy)
Drampa (Cloud Nine)
Vulpix-A (Snow Warning) {Freeze-Dry, Moonblast, Hypnosis, Encore}
Hakamo-o (Overcoat)

Thanks for reading.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

If you don't mind nature or IVs, I have a few of those I can breed for you during the weekend.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Guzma said:
If you don't mind nature or IVs, I have a few of those I can breed for you during the weekend.

Well, I don't mind Natures or IVs, because those can eventually be rectified. The most important thing to have is the base Pokemon with the HA.

What do you have?

Thanks for reading.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Pipluo, Fennekin, Lileep, Venipede, Gothita, Swinub
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

I have Pokemon Sun already and I chose Litten.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

My Hidden Ability collection is close to completion. I just need the following:

Diglett/Dugtrio (Sand Force) [NOTE: Kanto version]
Geodude/Graveler/Golem (Sand Veil)
Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra (Damp)
Pineco/Forretress (Overcoat)
Houndour/Houndoom (Unnerve)
Relicanth (Sturdy)
Skorupi/Drapion (Keen Eye)
Frillish/Jellicent (Damp)
Ferrothorn (Anticipation)
Skiddo/Gogoat (Grass Pelt)
Inkay/Malamar (Infiltrator)
Hawlucha (Mould Breaker)
Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist (Insomnia) [Any size]

If it's a Pokemon (with Hidden Ability) that's not listed here, I can breed for another, except Ditto (unbreedable) or Legendaries (they are unbreedable and I may not have them anyway).

Thanks for reading.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

holy shit dude you've been collecting pokemon with hidden abilities?!

that's metal as fuck dude, good job
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Lord Buckethead said:
holy *bleep* dude you've been collecting pokemon with hidden abilities?!

that's metal as *bleep* dude, good job

Yes, and I have finally done it! I got almost all the available Pokemon with Hidden Abilities!

The only one that I don't currently have is Super Size Pumpkaboo, which seems like a rare Pokemon even among Hidden Ability Pokemon. I am taking a break from Pokemon because it was exhausting. There were lots of breeding involved to trade with some people I managed to get Pokemon from.

The last person that I traded with was even more hardcore: having not only every Pokemon with Hidden Abilities (except Super Size Pumpkaboo), but he wants to find them in various Poke Balls. Luckily I have some Pokemon in Beast Balls, so he got what he wanted too.

Thank you for reading.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Here's something that's going to expire: Mega Stone codes. Essentially, you can enter a password in your Mystery Gift to receive the non-obtainable Mega Stones, but it expires at 30th October 2017, so there's not much time.

Codes are the following:
INTIMIDATE = Mawilite, Beedrillite, Audinite, and Medichamite
AZUL = Pidgeotite, Steelixite, Heracronite, and Houndoominite
MATSUBUSA = Sceptilite, Blazikenite, Swampertite, Cameruptite, and Banettite
SABLEVOLANT = Tyranitarite, Abomasite, Manectite, and Aggronite
POYONG = Galladite, Gardevoirite, Lopunnite, and Diancite
DRACHE = Ampharosite, Altarianite, Latiosite, and Latiasite

Note that the passwords are Pokemon-related, which is a nice touch.
Intimidate - Pokemon ability, which is Mawile's ability
Azul - Blue (known as Gary), and one of his Pokemon is a Pidgeot
Matsubusa - Maxie (Team Magma), and one of his Pokemon is a Camerupt
Sablevolant - Sand Stream (French), which is Tyranitar's ability
Poyong - Gardevoir's category name in Korean, and as you guessed, one of the Pokemon is Gardevoir
Drache - Dragon-type, which is the type of all the Pokemon listed (for Ampharos, only after Mega evolving)

Thank you for reading.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

No, thank you for posting. I wouldn't have even known this was a thing, let alone that it was ending in a day.

I hate how they decided to just lock these away, only to be accessible through a limited-time event. That's a bit scummy.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!)

Kazuma said:
No, thank you for posting. I wouldn't have even known this was a thing, let alone that it was ending in a day.

I hate how they decided to just lock these away, only to be accessible through a limited-time event. That's a bit scummy.

I have made a slight mistake: the codes expire on 31st October 2017, but even then, there's not much time anyway.

Another code I am not sure if it's expired yet are the Mega Mewtwo stones, because it wasn't mentioned on the official Pokemon website. The code is: M2DESCENT

I think that by the time Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon releases, all the Mega Stones will be available, but you're right, it feels inconvenient to make them unavailable in-game (though at least it's free!).

Thank you for reading.