Angela's Top (Insert a number here)

Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

battlerock galaxy > dreadnought galaxy imo, else gr8 list.
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

Yup, Space Junk is pret-ty amazing, and it also nicely fits the space motif that Galaxy's all supposed to be about.
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

@Marie: Aren't they? That's why I love Galaxy, it shows the beauty.
@Emmett Brown: I can see why people would say that. I respect your opinion.
@Dr. Mario: You bet! And the music is real also.

Top 15 Hardest Super Mario Galaxy Stars

Might as well stay on Galaxy until the end, since I started with it. Whatever gave me most trouble and took the most time are on this list. Prepare for a lot of prankster comets, purple coins included.​

Number 15: Burning Tide

We start off this list with the mission Burning Tide from the Melty Molten Galaxy, found in the Garden. This is a regular mission in which you must collect five star chips scattered around a lava filled planet that constantly rises and falls. You must feed the hungry Luma in which he will transform into a launch star. Launch yourself to a planet and there is this safe spot in which there is a star chip and the lava doesn't rise there. You must collect all five star chips without getting burned. At each star chip location, there is danger and you must fend it off as the lava surrounds you or risk getting burned.

Time spent: 3:11
Lives spent: 2

Number 14: The Fate of the Universe

Here it is! This is from Bowser's Galaxy Generator and you must speak to Rosalina if you want to get here. In order to save Peach, we must finish this level to reach Bowser. This level will test everything you have learned and you must not let your guard down for one moment. First, you have your own gravitational pull and must move as it moves or risk dying. The next level is a lava filled planet with rotating platforms. You have to make your way to the launch star as the platforms sink. The next stage is like Space Junk Galaxy as the platforms appear when you come close, but watch out, unlike Space Junk the platforms disappear so time is an essence. Then, you are whisked to a quicksand area. Don't touch it or you die. After that, it's another platforming as this time, wall jumps are required and you have to time it perfectly. Finally, you are at a massive area with fireballs, platforms, and bullet bills shooting at you. Probably, one of the toughest parts of the level, then you are faced with Bowser. Part 1 Bowser is that he rolls into a ball and you must spin and smack him in the face then smack him. Do this twice. Bowser Part 2 is when Bowser rolls into his spikes so use the green bulb plants. Part 3 Bowser is similar as the other Bowser battles. Time consuming and I remember dying a few times.

Time spent: 5:30 (excluding cut scenes)
Lives spent: 3

Number 13: The Electric Labyrinth

The electric labyrinth wasn't that hard for me. It's actually pretty easy as long as you have patience for the first part and quick reflexes while being careful for the second part. First, you go into all five pipes to find the star chips. Remember, patience and strategy is key here if you want to win. The second part is harder because a bullet bill chases you and there are electric fences and other obstacles out to get you. Don't rush, but don't go too slow either. Overall, harder than 14 and 15, but not bad overall.

Time Spent: 5:15
Lives Spent: 4

Number 12: Red Hot Purple Coins

This star can be found in the Melty Molten Galaxy, in the Garden. Oh man. Our first purple coin mission. You have to be ready and alert at all times for this. Thankfully, it's not timed, but it's not without dangers. You must be wary of the lava as it poses the most threat in this mission. The 100 coins are scattered around the area, but they are not too apart. This mission is not that bad actually, compared to others.

Time spent: 7:15
Lives Spent: 2

Number 11: Plunder the Purple Coins

This star can be found at the Deep Dark Galaxy at the garden. The next two missions is all because of time. These two are probably the longest time I've spent on a Galaxy game. These two times combined beats over half of the galaxies combined. The thing was that this was in the water, even though there were some in land, the others were in the water. When I had 98 coins, I spent an extra 10 minutes searching every where for the two coins. I spent 9 minutes just swimming around, when I found it on the ship's hull. T.T UGHHHH!

Time Spent: 25:32
Lives Spent: 0

Number 10: Purple Coins on the Summit

This star is at the Freezeflame Galaxy, at the Bedroom. Mention this to me and I get put into a bad mood for the rest of the day. I want some parts of my life back. The coins are scattered EVERYWHERE! Even more than Deep Dark Galaxy!It is around the summit, at the base, at the slide...don't even get me started. Just look at the time. This really happened and I didn't play Galaxy again for like a month. Remember, I don't use guides.

Time Spent: 1:12:56
Lives Spent: 0

Number 9: Luigi's Cosmic Clone Race

There are four cosmic clone missions and with Mario, it is pretty easy. With Luigi, it is another story. The cosmic :luigi: is much harder as he utilizes EVERY.SINGLE.SHORTCUT. known to man. Ok, I'm over-exaggerating, but still, although he makes some mistakes (thank God), he is waaay harder than Cosmic Mario. I underestimated him, which led me to my demise. Remember people, the boost will help you greatly. Don't gape at the amount of lives lost, I lose more with each progressing mission. I know, I suck at these games and I've never ever completed a full Mario game (the games where you collect stars or shines), besides Super Mario Galaxy 1. Yeap, still stuck on 64 and Sunshine and Galaxy 2.

Time Spent: 8:00 (2 minutes for each race).
Lives lost: 13

Number 8: Luigi's Purple Coins

Located at the Toy Time Galaxy in the engine room. UGH. This is when things start getting really frustrating. I'm sure you guys know this mission. The timed mission in which you must collect 100 coins with flipping and disappearing platforms. Thank God there are more than 100 coins. No real strategy except being careful and not making too many platforms disappear.

Time spent: 6:53
Lives lost: 17

Number 7: Dreadnought's Garbage Dump

You know, I've never wanted to rip off this idiot's head so much. I swear, I hate that little *bleep.* Clean the garbage by throwing bombs. Try throwing it at the yellow spots. Only 30 dang seconds and takes long for the bomb to explode. I'm getting more mad with each word. Onward.

Time spent: 20:00
Tries it took: 30

Number 6: Purple Coins on the Puzzle Cube

This is located in the Gusty Garden Galaxy at the Bedroom. Simple. You are timed and have to collect 100 coins. There are more than 100 coins, but even if you finish, the timer still counts down! You don't know how frustrated I was especially when I still had 10 seconds left, but didn't know where the star was! Memorize which route you go, but by doing that, you must break your concentration. Eh, your call.

Time spent: (I don't honestly know for the remainder, so I'll just give my thoughts and my flames. :))

Number 5: Bouldergeist Daredevil Run

Ghostly Galaxy at the Kitchen. Fighting Bouldergeist with 3 or 6 health was very easy, but fighting him with only 1?! Are you serious? The first phase is pretty easy, just dodge the boulders, get the boo's and ram it into him. But the second part, when he grows hands, it gets trickier and harder. He has way more moves in store for us and, with a bomb boo, you might hit is hands and they regenerate, so you have to be quick, but be careful as you must not be hit even once or it is death for you and you will have to start over.

Number 4: Battlestation's Purple Coins

It's in the Dreadnaught Galaxy located at the Garden. You must collect all 100 coins without missing one. If you miss one, you might as well just jump onto the black hole below. There is no coming back once you lose one and not only that, you change gravity. You are right side up, left side up, upside down, oh man.

Number 3: Purple Coins in the Bone Pen

Located at the Ghostly Galaxy at the Kitchen. This is similar to the Gusty Garden Galaxy's purple coins because the timer keeps on going once you have 100 coins and not only that, those beef looking things on a bone can really mess you up and those mines, oh my God. Yes, the coins are closely clumped, but I mean, you have a lot of obstacles! For someone who sucks at these games, this was no joke.

Number 2: Gears, Gadgets, and Gizmos

Ah, the rolling ball star. Another trial galaxy and the hardest of the three (the other isn't included). Well, my Wii motion sensor is jacked up and because of that reason. I hate this part. I died at least 50 times. No kidding. My hate towards Goombas and Bob-ombs increased as I was flung off the edge countless times. Thank God, I'm done with this mission. Some missions can be peaceful and relaxing, but some can be a real pain.

Number 1: Lava Spire Daredevil Run

Here it is, for the trillionth time, Melty Molten Galaxy located at the Garden. Having to do this once was hard enough, but again!? With one life?! Are you kidding me? This has the highest death rate, heck, I might even make it to the World Record and these deaths were not on purpose. I died a whopping 60 times and then I grabbed my brother and he was the Luma and guess what? I died another 25 times before I won. After I won, I had the longest Mario Galaxy hiatus of my entire life. For over a year, it was stored and I was disgusted. I just played some Paper Mario and the pain thankfully went away.
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

i skipped down waiting to see luigi's purple coins but it wasn't
good job at not being predictable

i always had a ton of trouble on bouldergeist daredevil run but now it's easy for me
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

purple coins on the summit was sooooo irritating
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

Angelxmoore said:
Number 7: Dreadnought's Garbage Dump

You know, I've never wanted to rip off this idiot's head so much. I swear, I hate that little *bleep.* Clean the garbage by throwing bombs. Try throwing it at the yellow spots. Only 30 dang seconds and takes long for the bomb to explode. I'm getting more mad with each word. Onward.

Time spent: 20:00
Tries it took: 30
The garbage thing is absolutely dreadful. Fortunately, you don't lose lives if you fail. Protip: if you touch a bomb while holding one, that bomb will set off, so it may shave valuable seconds.
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

To this day, that garbage shit is the only star I haven't gotten.

Fuck Guillermo.
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

Purple Coin missions are so frustating sometimes lol.
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

Magikrazy said:
To this day, that garbage *bleep* is the only star I haven't gotten.

*bleep* Gearmo.

he kills you because you failed something hard

Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

JG Wentworth said:
Magikrazy said:
To this day, that garbage *bleep* is the only star I haven't gotten.

*bleep* Gearmo.

he kills you because you failed something hard

For the last time, he doesn't kill you if you fail blowing up all the garbage. He shouts at you, but you just get another try.
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

JG Wentworth said:
Magikrazy said:
To this day, that garbage *bleep* is the only star I haven't gotten.

*bleep* Gearmo.

he kills you because you failed something hard


No, Gearmo doesn't kill you with the garbage dump thing.

Also, I think Bouldergeist daredevil run has an overrated difficulty, I beat it like, only about 2 tries or so. You just have to be extremely careful, and you have to keep running when he's throwing boulders at you until ALL boulders are gone. Other than that, his rest of his attacks are slow and predictable.

I don't recall the Lava Spire to be that difficult either...

I do hate Slingpod Galaxy and Luigi's Purple Coins though
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

Might as well do one right now. We are moving on from Super Mario Galaxy 1 to.....!

Top 7 Magic Mountain Roller Coasters
Favorite roller coasters in my favorite amusement park. Whichever was more fun too me!​

Number 7: Full Throttle
You’ll be looping 160 feet in the sky—a feat no one else in the world has done until now. No one else has even dared to try it. And, it’s just not enough to do a loop of this magnitude once, so you’re taking it on twice. Full Throttle has not just one but three separate launches. That means from a complete stop you’ll crank up to 70 miles hour like it was nothing. The second time you launch at this rapid speed it’ll be backwards. That’s right, you’ll come to a slamming stop inside a sci-fi tunnel, only to be bolted back out, in reverse! Looping just as high, just as fast, only backwards. Halfway up the dive loop, the train changes its mind ?let’s go forwards—and you switch directions mid-loop. Back into the tunnel you go, shooting toward the next act, when you’ll hit that mega-loop again as a “top hat??riding on the outside of the world-record track—something that has never been done before. Sailing on top of the world, you’ll experience incredible hangtime, not to mention the view of the century, before Full Throttle brings your world-record-holding body back down to earth.

Number 6: Twisted Colossus
Wood meets steel as the iconic woodie returns as the new Twisted Colossus ?the longest, most innovative hybrid coaster in the world. Still in its landmark location along the perimeter of Six Flags Magic Mountain and nestled inside the tracks of the behemoth coaster, Goliath, Twisted Colossus remains the coaster monument most recognizable to millions of people who pass by the park each year…but now with an exciting twist. Integrated into the beautiful crosshatching of white wood will be intertwined track, steep banks and unrelenting rolls and spirals. Revel in the fun and excitement of traditional wooden coaster thrills while facing your fears on the latest state-of-the-art coaster technology. Twisted Colossus is the best of both worlds, a modern marvel making roller coaster history!

Number 5: Scream
This is how it feels to fly! Ever wonder what it feels like to fly through the air, without a plane, a jetpack, or even a pair of wings to hold you up? Well, get ready to get airborne. Scream features a totally one-of-a-kind floorless train design. Look straight down and all you’ll see is the ground or the sky, depending on which direction you’re facing. Since there’s no track over your head or under your feet, riding Scream is exactly what it feels like to fly. You’ll be completely upside down seven times. Combine that with the incredible amount of airtime you’ll feel on the many steep crests and you’ll really start to get the hang of this flying thing. The first drop is a breathtaking 141-footer. Chase that with a 128-foot vertical loop, immediately followed by a 96-foot loop with a rolling twist. Sorry, no time to take a breath, because then you’re blasted right into a cobra roll 78 feet in the sky. Fly low to the ground then zoom up at 63 miles per hour for a double corkscrew. Completely open to the wind, with your feet flying through the air below you and nothing over your head, more than any roller coaster you’ve ever ridden, Scream will show you what it feels like to soar.

Number 4: The Riddler's Revenge
Stand up to THE RIDDLER?if you dare! You have to stand up to a villain like THE RIDDLER, and that’s exactly what this record-setting stand-up roller coaster has in store for you. You’ll have to take on this scoundrel standing, not sitting down in a chair, while it takes you through the highest, fastest, longest stand-up track in the world. Not only that, but it also has the biggest loop and the most upside-down action for any stand-up coaster. This gigantic green machine will be anything but a walk in the park for even the bravest crime-fighters. We sure hope you like being upside down, because almost immediately you’ll be facing loop after loop and inversion after inversion on a track that soars 156 feet in the sky. Just to keep you on your toes, you’ll streak through a pair of corkscrews at 65 miles per hour, on this winding and utterly unpredictable track, while enjoying a whopping 4.2 G’s. No one will blame you if you need to take a seat after you’re done facing this relentless coaster. Until then, feel proud ?you stood up to the wrath of THE RIDDLER!

Number 3: Goliath
Too fast to be called a roller coaster. Sometimes the term “roller coaster?just doesn’t cover it. Goliath is so fast they call this metal monster a “hypercoaster,?and within seconds you’ll know why. Hike in through the stony ruins of an ancient civilization ?a time when great mythical beasts like the Goliath were feared. You may not find it so mythical as you’re getting dragged up that impossibly tall first hill, lifting you higher and higher. About halfway up this ridiculous height, even the toughest riders realize there’s no way out except to battle the beast. When you crest the top of that first hill, wave to the legendary Twisted Colossus ?way down below you. And now onto serious business - a staggering 255 foot drop which you’ll take at 85 mph, making this one of the longest and fastest drops in the world. But wait a second, isn’t this ride only 235 feet tall? That’s right, the first drop takes you down below the dirt into a dark underground tunnel! Goliath then serves up another quick drop of 185 feet. As you shoot up and over the next hill, enjoy a moment of pure weightlessness, taking some serious airtime before gravity yanks you down into your chair. Prepare to repeat this experience several more times as a series of drops and rises wreak havoc with your sense of gravity. Speaking of gravity, brace yourself for the unbelievable second half of this journey into steel madness. It’s pure twister territory, twisting sideways, hugging the ground, and then diving into a helix you’ll take in excess of 4.5 G’s. When you pull back into the station, this can’t-miss speed monster will have basically contorted your cheeks into a huge perma-grin. Don’t worry, it’ll wear off the next time you face Goliath.

Number 2: Tatsu
Sitting proudly at the top of Samurai Summit, you’ll see a fierce beast made of bright red, orange, and yellow steel. This is no ordinary coaster…this is a dragon. Tatsu is a flying roller coaster with an utterly unique way to ride ?face down. This mad twist puts you in a one-on-one stare-down with planet Earth, as you fly at speeds up to 62 miles per hour. The structure itself is 170 feet tall, but when combined with the height of the mountain it’s sitting on, you’re in for a 263-foot elevation change over the course of the journey. You will truly feel like a dragon in flight as you face the gauntlet ?3,602 feet of steel track twisted into scream-inducing heights and dips. By the time you reach the top of the first hill, you might have some idea of what you’re in for. Face down, with the track behind you, there is nothing between you and the ground! You won’t even be able to see the track at all, just the dirt and sky racing past you in a dizzying blur. You’ll corkscrew down 104 feet, zooming around the track at top speeds and right into 96 feet of zero G roll. If you don’t feel like you’re flying yet, just add an 80-foot tall horseshoe. Then get ready to roll because the 124-foot tall pretzel loop with your name on it is simply unreal. As if that wasn’t enough, you’ll whip around a 77-foot-tall in-line twist, completing your soaring journey over the park, before Tatsu is done with you and ready to breathe fire on the next batch of dragon slayers.

Number 1: X2

Get ready to enter an all-new realm on X2, a trail-blazing fifth dimension roller coaster. With its 360-degree rotating seats and head-first, face down drops, X has been one of the most popular thrill rides on the planet. On ordinary roller coasters, the train stays in line with the track?but there is nothing ordinary about X2. Go ahead and take in the view on the long ride up, 200 feet in the air. And enjoy the groundbreaking use of music, sound effects, and light shows that have been carefully designed to heighten your total sensory overload. X2’s utterly innovative design will keep your mind in full thrust the entire time. Your 360-degree seats extend on wings far off the track. So while you are careening down the rails at 76 miles per hour through an unreal assortment of dives, flips and twists, as well as two ultra-rare “raven turns??half loops that change their minds midway and become sheer drops—your body will also be flipping around 360-degrees over and over again. Quite simply, you will be spun into another dimension.
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

what about a top20?
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

Where was Superman: Escape from Krypton at?!

I've been to Six Flags Great Adventure, which has a similar line up of roller coasters. So do a top 10 roller coasters for that park as well. Also show your opinion why each coaster made that spot.
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

@Marty: If you could, try visiting a 6 Flags. Great roller coasters.
@JGWentworth: Will do after the top 10 six flags great adventure. :)
@Viper26: Yeah, Superman was closed when I went there, looks really fun though and will do! :D
Re: Angela's Top 20/15/10/5

um is it normal for an amusement park to have seven (or more?) rollercoasters

Angelxmoore said:
but hey no that's lying

your thread name says otherwise
Muffet said:
Angelxmoore said:
Optimal change, well done.
Thank you, don't want to confuse anyone else.

Well there's another one coming next year.
Yeah. And Six Flags Magic Mountain, the one I did the top 7, they have 19 roller coasters.