What's something that terrifies you?

needles? *girl screams* oh gosh i hate those things
Just look away and pretend a mosquito is biting you.

That's what I do and needles make my skin crawl a bit.
I always watch them administering the needle - and I watched them sew up my knee too. Not knowing what's going on with my body and health would concern me more.
My doctor distracts me by talking to me, as I'm known to be really afraid of needles sometimes...
Walkazo said:
I always watch them administering the needle - and I watched them sew up my knee too. Not knowing what's going on with my body and health would concern me more.
It's not a matter of knowing. I just don't enjoy looking directly at it.
You know what else I'm terrified of?

Those eye-puff machines they use to measure your eye pressure, where you stare into it and the doctors spontaneously puff your eyes. Every single time I go to my eye doctor I'm like, oh man, are they gonna do that to me? Luckily, the optometrist I go to use eye-drops to make it not feel anything and make a sensor touch my eyes instead, which is a thousand times better than those eye-puffs.
idk the one time i was at the eye doctor i was like

"hello, i think i need glasses"

then i looked into a machine and basically told them what i saw and what i didnt saw

then i got the usual letters on a wall thing

and then she was like "yeah you need glasses"
Baby Luigi said:
You know what else I'm terrified of?

Those eye-puff machines they use to measure your eye pressure, where you stare into it and the doctors spontaneously puff your eyes. Every single time I go to my eye doctor I'm like, oh man, are they gonna do that to me? Luckily, the optometrist I go to use eye-drops to make it not feel anything and make a sensor touch my eyes instead, which is a thousand times better than those eye-puffs.
Never had to do that - but it sounds unpleasant, for sure!

Stargazing said:
My doctor distracts me by talking to me, as I'm known to be really afraid of needles sometimes...
When I needed to get my blood tested, I could tell the person was trying to distract me with small talk: pretty transparent, but I guess it works for some people.
I had to do the eye-puff thing. It doesn't bother me too much, though. It's somewhat unpleasant, but that's about it.
Gore is one of the most unpleasant things in the world for me. In a movie/tv show? No thanks! Descriptions in a book? Count me out! Dissections in biology class? Get me out of there!
J-Yoshi64 said:
Gore is one of the most unpleasant things in the world for me. In a movie/tv show? No thanks! Descriptions in a book? Count me out! Dissections in biology class? Get me out of there!
I'm kind of on a higher intensity level of that, and by that I mean I can't see blood. I look away. (i'm not counting... bodily function... blood since i can handle that)
Baby Luigi said:
You know what else I'm terrified of?

Those eye-puff machines they use to measure your eye pressure, where you stare into it and the doctors spontaneously puff your eyes. Every single time I go to my eye doctor I'm like, oh man, are they gonna do that to me? Luckily, the optometrist I go to use eye-drops to make it not feel anything and make a sensor touch my eyes instead, which is a thousand times better than those eye-puffs.

it's not really that bad besides being startling and making you look like you had a good cry coming out of your doctor's office
Baby Luigi said:
You know what else I'm terrified of?

Those eye-puff machines they use to measure your eye pressure, where you stare into it and the doctors spontaneously puff your eyes. Every single time I go to my eye doctor I'm like, oh man, are they gonna do that to me? Luckily, the optometrist I go to use eye-drops to make it not feel anything and make a sensor touch my eyes instead, which is a thousand times better than those eye-puffs.
As someone who hates anything going into my eyes, those are very uncomfortable.
J-Yoshi64 said:
Gore is one of the most unpleasant things in the world for me. In a movie/tv show? No thanks! Descriptions in a book? Count me out! Dissections in biology class? Get me out of there!
It only affects me if I see it IRL.
Stargazing said:
I'm kind of on a higher intensity level of that, and by that I mean I can't see blood. I look away. (i'm not counting... bodily function... blood since i can handle that)
That's the only kind of blood that disgusts me, actually.

Blue the Raptor said:
As someone who hates anything going into my eyes, those are very uncomfortable.
Oh, that reminds me: contact lenses - sooo freaky to put them on. My mom says it gets easier with practice, but idk, wearing them only occasionally for costumes is about all I can take. I really just gotta start cosplaying as someone who wears glasses instead...
Magikrazy said:
I had to do the eye-puff thing. It doesn't bother me too much, though. It's somewhat unpleasant, but that's about it.

Baby Luigi said:
You know what else I'm terrified of?

Those eye-puff machines they use to measure your eye pressure, where you stare into it and the doctors spontaneously puff your eyes. Every single time I go to my eye doctor I'm like, oh man, are they gonna do that to me? Luckily, the optometrist I go to use eye-drops to make it not feel anything and make a sensor touch my eyes instead, which is a thousand times better than those eye-puffs.

it's not really that bad besides being startling and making you look like you had a good cry coming out of your doctor's office

I hate anything that startles me, I'm more sensitive to that than other people are
Walkazo said:
Stargazing said:
I'm kind of on a higher intensity level of that, and by that I mean I can't see blood. I look away. (i'm not counting... bodily function... blood since i can handle that)
That's the only kind of blood that disgusts me, actually.

Blue the Raptor said:
As someone who hates anything going into my eyes, those are very uncomfortable.
Oh, that reminds me: contact lenses - sooo freaky to put them on. My mom says it gets easier with practice, but idk, wearing them only occasionally for costumes is about all I can take. I really just gotta start cosplaying as someone who wears glasses instead...
It does get easier with practice. I used to be reluctant to put them on, but you just get used to it and it becomes routine.

Needles scare me too, but meningitis, measles, cervical cancer, shingles, whooping cough, and anti-vaxxers, etc. are definitely scarier and when I think about stuff like the measles outbreak in Disneyland, I actually look forward to getting a needle. Because if I do get incapacitated by a vaccine-preventable disease, that would mean missing out crucial college days and prolonging them and maybe getting measles right on a semester final...

I have to do pap smear too, and I'm nervous how that will turn out (doctor recommended me it even though my sexual history is nilch). And also, later in life, colonoscopies will be... uh... I don't want to think about those.
I've asked my twin what a pap smear or pap test whatever was, and now, that sounds really, really uncomfortable.

As my twin stated, contact lenses aren't that bad when you get used to them. At first, yeah, I was like, freaked out inserting a filmy thingy into my cornea, but now it's gotten routine, so it's not bad at all. It does get irritating when you have to rub your eye, though.
I have recurring fleeing-from-pap-test nightmares, that's how much I don't wanna get one, but since I haven't had any sexual contact or weird period issues, they're not forcing one on me yet. The prospect of colonoscopies is actually much less upsetting.

Even after I get over the weirdness, I still suck at contacts: I usually wreck two or three (having them fall to the dirty ground) before I manage to get one to stick: by the end, I'm over the poking-your-finger-in-your eye stuff, and just irritated that it's taking so long, lol.
The only weird period issues I have is the very long drawn out months without ever having one, but now, I get those on a more regular basis, so I guess it was just puberty ending and me turning into an adult.

It took me around 30 minutes to an hour to get my first contact lenses in my eyes without doctor support, because you know, same reasons you can't get it on easily. I was even against the idea of contact lenses at first, that's how much I initially hated them. Now, it only takes around 30 seconds to get them into both eyes, shorter to take them off, and I regret hating them because I vastly prefer something that makes me see clearly without obstructions on my face, nor do I need to wipe anything to see better.

Maybe when my vision fully stabilizes, I can opt for laser eye surgery, something I'm not comfortable with either, but you lose the worry of running out of contact lenses and you have nothing to take off before you go to sleep.
Baby Luigi said:
The only weird period issues I have is the very long drawn out months without ever having one, but now, I get those on a more regular basis, so I guess it was just puberty ending and me turning into an adult.
Yeah, I used to skip 'em periodically in high school, but now it's really rare - every now and then it'll be a week early or late, but that's not unnatural. My only problems are that it's often ridiculously heavy, but not enough to cause anemia or other medical issues, just lower quality of life for a few days, so there's nothing to do about it but suffer and wish we were a sensible animal that only cycles one or twice a year.

Baby Luigi said:
Maybe when my vision fully stabilizes, I can opt for laser eye surgery, something I'm not comfortable with either, but you lose the worry of running out of contact lenses and you have nothing to take off before you go to sleep.
Yeah, I'd love to get laser eye surgery someday too, once I can afford it. Glasses are just too much messing around, and I don't like being dependent on a little piece of metal and glass for something as basic as seeing clearly more than three feet from my face. There's always the fear that they'll get lost or broken in an emergency situation or while I'm away doing fieldwork or something. I can see well enough to survive, but still, it wouldn't be fun.
I don't really keep track of menstrual cycles but I do worry if it's too irregular or something; it felt like a while since I last had one. I hate them, but they're necessary for normal human function. I just wish they weren't bloody frustrating and uncomfortable to deal with.

Laser eye surgery sounds scary, but it's probably more worth it and less expensive (in the long run). How do they get anesthesia in your eyes anyway? A drop solution?
Actually, they're only necessary if you're trying to get pregnant at the time - and even then, it only means that you failed that month and will have to try again next ovulation. If you're not aiming to reproduce, all the menstrual cycle is is a nasty, messy waste of iron and pain pills.
Walkazo said:
If you're not aiming to reproduce, all the menstrual cycle is is a nasty, messy waste of iron and pain pills.

And nasty mood swings