Iwata Passes Away

This really was unexpected.
This also marks the first time ever I really feel sad about the passing away of a celebrity.
My condolences go out to his family and friends.
-wow this is shockingly horrible to hear, 55 is way too young

An icon, a poplar figure at Nintendo and the one who lead Nintendo through the last decade. Rest in peace, it doesn' matter if you think his buissness strategies were good or not. He influenced Nintendo and made them who they were. Thank Iwata Nintendo Direct will never be the same without you.
RIP Iwata. He worked on a lot of the games I have enjoyed through the years and led the company through success and failure, even taking personal responsibility at many points in time. He will be missed. I wonder who will fill his shoes.
okay now that I'm back home I can properly react to this.

I mean it's not like we didn't know about his medical condition (and he looked kinda bad at the last Nintendo Direct back in April tbh), but I was honestly smashed by these news. Also I found out because some guy who didn't even know his name told me and just said "some guy from Nintendo died" and I was like "shit is it miyamoto", and then I just went out to google in the break.

I honestly don't think that Nintendo will be the same after this. Iwata has changed the shape of everyone's public view on nintendo very drastically. I mean even if you weren't a Nintendo fan you would still know some of the memes etc. surrounding Iwata and I think that he was commonly accepted as one of the most influental persons in the gaming world.

I'm still completely in shock, but again, rest in peace Iwata, and may you find time to play some video games wherever you are now

Seems like Miyamoto and some other guy are running the company until the next board meeting (this wasn't confirmed I'mjust assuming this).

And now for a nice way to pay tribute to Iwata.

Play Chariots of Fire by Vangelis.

That song will give more reflect for all those times he made us enjoy our lives.
I found out at school that he passed away. Such a shame to see him die, :( he made the greatest video gaming series ever. His legacy and great works that he made will never be forgotten.
I made two Miiverse post regarding to Iwata.


And also there's this.

A message from Iwata.
I hate cancer. I really do now after what it did to Satoru Iwata.
This tweet is so heartbreaking.

Roy & Roy said:
And also there's this.

A message from Iwata.

That's very beautiful....
That just makes me even sadder. Pretty things make me more depressed after something like this.
Re: Sayonara, Satoru Iwata

It does not matter to me if there are two threads. Satoru Iwata deserves the attention. His role as the president of Nintendo will be taken by someone, but nobody will ever replace him completely. May he will be able to see Heaven.
A complete list of his programming accomplishments, aside from just a raw list of games he's worked on, seems to be hard to come by. Most of his more heroic acts were recounted in interviews over the years from various people. I imagine more will come to light in the next few days, but here is a bullet list of some of the more interesting ones we know:

-Was one of the founders (and sole programmer) for HAL Laboratories, creators of Kirby, which he built from a tiny Akihabara apartment into one of the most respected game developers in the business.
-Saved HAL Labs from the brink of collapse by sealing a crucial deal with Nintendo. Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi agreed to the deal only on the condition that Iwata become the new president of HAL Labs. Yamauchi would eventually break family tradition and appoint him as his successor as President and CEO of Nintendo.
-Completely reworked EarthBound from scratch in 6 months after the project had languished in development for 4 years.
-Wrote the battle logic for Pokemon Stadium for Nintendo 64 in a week without any reference documents from the Game Boy games.
-Brought in to optimize Pokemon Gold/Silver so the designers could fit in the entire map; the end result was so efficient they had room left over to add in the original map from Pokemon Red/Blue.
-Acted as head of debugging for Super Smash Bros. Melee at the 11th hour to meet its ship date. Completed his job in 3 weeks. This was after he left HAL Labs to become a high-ranking executive at Nintendo.
-Supposedly personally played every milestone build of every game in development at Nintendo during his tenure.

Eri Ayase said:
Seems like Miyamoto and some other guy are running the company until the next board meeting (this wasn't confirmed I'mjust assuming this).


The second guy is Genyo Takeda, Nintendo's head of integrated research (basically the R&D team that comes up with the look of the hardware and system OS), he's also worked on a number of classic Nintendo games, like Punch-Out!!. He and Miyamoto are acting representatives for Nintendo until someone more permanent is found.
Re: Sayonara, Satoru Iwata

wow is this really the attitude you're giving to this poor kid