Next Paper Mario game (Likely on Wii U)

Apparently SPM's epic story was too grand, and Nintendo got complaints about the complexity, so they dialed it down to a paper-thin story in Sticker Star.
Well no offense but I cannot comprehend disliking that amazing story. To me it was the strongest thing about the game.
J-Yoshi64 said:
No offense taken. I'm just as confused as to why people didn't like it.

Don't get me started.
J-Yoshi64 said:
Apparently SPM's epic story was too grand, and Nintendo got complaints about the complexity, so they dialed it down to a paper-thin story in Sticker Star.

The story isn't THAT complex. If they did got complaints from having a complex story then the userbase must be composed entirely of children or adults who don't know what exactly a complex story is.
I was under the impression that they didn't care, not that it was too complicated.
Mcmadness said:
I was under the impression that they didn't care, not that it was too complicated.
I think it was just that they wanted to go back to the roots of Mario games, just as how they achieved it already a million times with New Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario 3D games.
I meant the people who answered the survey. Which wouldn't surprise me.
Mcmadness said:
I meant the people who answered the survey. Which wouldn't surprise me.
I wouldn't say the survey is representative of the gaming population since it's not like it was simple random sample of people who played Sticker Star the game.
The survey was actually over SPM, and I think Miyamoto rigged it personally. There's no way that little people were touched by the story.
Fawful said:
The survey was actually over SPM, and I think Miyamoto rigged it personally. There's no way that little people were touched by the story.

Don't be ridiculous. I've told you before many times that game's plot is fairly average as far as jrpgs go.
Fawful said:
The survey was actually over SPM, and I think Miyamoto rigged it personally. There's no way that little people were touched by the story.

Or that they prioritized the gameplay over the story
Fawful said:
Even so.

ONE percent? Even less? Am I in that much of a minority?
Mario Party Σ said:
I wouldn't say the survey is representative of the gaming population since it's not like it was simple random sample of people who played the game.
Baby Luigi said:
Or that they prioritized the gameplay over the story

Probably. Which is a good thing if you ask me.
Mcmadness said:
Baby Luigi said:
Or that they prioritized the gameplay over the story

Probably. Which is a good thing if you ask me.
Well, that too. That seems more likely, but as I said, the survey isn't a good estimate of people's opinions concerning the story of Super Paper Mario.
No. But it is (or was) the only way people could properly talk about it so the fact that they brought it up at all makes me think they must have had quite a few people say they didn't care for it.
Mario Party Σ said:
Fawful said:
Even so.

ONE percent? Even less? Am I in that much of a minority?
Mario Party Σ said:
I wouldn't say the survey is representative of the gaming population since it's not like it was simple random sample of people who played the game.

isn't it called sampling bias, since people who don't read the magazine have the same opportunities as people who do?
In thoery yes.

Well no Paper Mario announcement but I can at least look forward to getting PM64 on wii u
Yay my expectations are met

Wait that's not really the correct response for no new paper mario game
I wasn't expecting one to be announced now anyhow. That's more an e3 thing.

I live-recorded my reactions to the direct for the sole purpose of capturing my initial reaction to the reveal of a new Paper Mario

Now I have a long video of me saying "ok, ok" and the occasional "wow cool"
Never unlocked him in Melee, and I've kinda backed out of the Pokemon fandom. Mewtwo was one of my favorites back when I was into the series though.