Fun Facts About Yourself

Nysic said:
i've recently started feeling that i'm bisexual

as long as you dont feel sexually attracted to robert pattinson its cool
Nysic said:
i've recently started feeling that i'm bisexual
It ain't bad, we get cookies and don't have to feel judged when listening to certain songs.
Nysic said:
i've recently started feeling that i'm bisexual
you can take my chair i'm done with it

also i've started to feel more comfortable with every part of my body
i've begun wearing shorts again and actually like it
i'm able to see myself in the mirror without a slur of insults floating into my head
i've recently started to sing and dance in public
i'm not 100% comfortable around strangers but eh w/e that'll ever change

my insecurities and shyness better of fucking melted away overnight because this is the greatest feeling of my life
Another fact, I really hate wearing shorts, I don't know why.

And I'm so shy, I was completely unable to present a dance in a group in front of my class today for dance class. I was so shy I couldn't even go up there.
I prefer shorts about mid-thigh length or less, but not short-shorts that only cover the butt and barely anything more. I also prefer shorts over pants: as soon as I get home, even in winter, I always change into shorts. And I only wear long-sleeved shirts when I'm going to be outside in the winter all day, and I only wear sleeveless tops to sleep or for special occasions - otherwise it's t-shirts all the time (plus applicable coats overtop for the non-summer months).
i got shorts with ultra large pockets

like srsly i can fit an entire .5 litre bottle coke in there.
always preferred shorts and t shirt during these times
Soooo I might as well throw out some fun facts, I don't have anything better to do right now so <.>!

  • I have a really, really strange fascination with hurricanes/tropical storms/tropical cyclones. I think they are absolutely amazing and gorgeous looking, and they're abso amazing to figure out. The size of them and the strength is amazing, and for some reason I cannot wait for ones to actually happen.
  • My all-time favorite movies, if it isn't obvious enough by my theme and how many times I mention it in IRC, are Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2. I've watched the first one at least like 30 times, and I saw the second one a few days after it came out in theaters... I honestly probably like the second one better, which is crazy because the first one is already insanely amazing.
  • When I get older, the career I want to aim for is in the sports journalism field. I loooove sports, sports is my life, and I love writing and commenting on certain things regarding sports, so it's the #1 thing I'd love to get in. The university I will be attending has an internship program with ESPN, so I'm certainly going to take advantage of that.
  • I had depression for five years, from late 2009 to mid-to-late 2014. I finally kicked it out a few months after my first girlfriend broke up with me in the summer of 2014, after we had been together for a few months. I finally got over it in about October-ish, and ultimately decided to push myself to turn the page and start a new life for me. Best decision I've ever made.
  • I've had a lot of probably strange things in pop culture influence me greatly, and a lot of those things are for the better. Late last year into this year I went through a phase where I was absolutely infatuated with Culture Club, an 80s group. Their music and the behavior of their frontman, Boy George (an Irish transvestite) made be become a lot more flamboyant and open with myself and it kind of broke a shield of shyness I've had for awhile.
Chloe Beale said:
  • When I get older, the career I want to aim for is in the sports journalism field. I loooove sports, sports is my life, and I love writing and commenting on certain things regarding sports, so it's the #1 thing I'd love to get in. The university I will be attending has an internship program with ESPN, so I'm certainly going to take advantage of that.
My planned career is video game journalism.
Chloe Beale said:
Late last year into this year I went through a phase where I was absolutely infatuated with Culture Club, an 80s group.

I went through that phase too I think. At least the phase where I listened to Karma Chameleon all the time.
For around eight years I have longed for shorts with pockets.

Seriously, I still think those would be godly to wear.
There are shorts without pockets? That's weird man.

I very rarely wear shorts, i can count the amount of times I wore them last year with just my fingers.
Kyon said:
There are shorts without pockets? That's weird man.
mfw you've only seen those with pockets

The lack of pockets is why atm this is the first time I've worn shorts outside of PE this year, though I don't even know why I'm wearing them right now, these ones don't have pockets either.