What would/will you name your children?

damn, i thought that was how they wrote that... but apparently mary is "玛丽"

oh well
a daughter named Iris would be cool

and I might be tempted to have a Nikola to counteract Toad
For girls names: Sarah, Brae, and Summer.

the only boy names I can think of are Kyle and Dimitri
If I have children with my sweetie, I think of:

Boys: Jean-Pierre, Raymond
Girls: Aurore, Cynthia
I'm going to be the worst mother ever and name all my kids after fandoms.

- Zelda
- Sakura
- Rosalina
- Sasha
- Ema
- Fluttershy

- I'm not having any boys
Baby Luigi said:
I'm not even sure if I'll have children since the idea of being pregnant and even the process to get pregnant freaks me out
please grow up
santanoice said:
- I'm not having any boys
implying there is a choice in the matter

unless you adopt, i guess

as for me i really can't decide this far in advance
Dr. Javelin said:
Baby Luigi said:
I'm not even sure if I'll have children since the idea of being pregnant and even the process to get pregnant freaks me out
please grow up

why are you saying this

is her discomfort with it harming you in some material way that makes it imperative that she stop immediately

because if not i really think you should just let her come to terms with it in her own time, without shaming her with pejorative phrasing like "grow up"
Shoutmon said:
because if not i really think you should just let her come to terms with it in her own time, without shaming her with pejorative phrasing like "grow up"
okay, fair enough

it's still a mark of immaturity though