United States Presidential Election, 2012

Ron Paul is far too anti-Israel for my liking. I also consider him too pro-life. Of all the Republicans, he's my least favorite.

I still prefer Obama over most of the Republicans now that Pawlenty is out of the running. I guess Romney is my favorite Republican at this point. He's anti-Iran and he thinks abortion should be allowed in cases like rape and incest. I actually agree with some of Palin's views as well. Her stance on Israel fits my liking. The only thing I like about Bachmann are her views on Israel. Rick Perry seems a little too Evangelical for me, though I like that he supports Israel.

If you can't tell, I want a president that supports Israel and supports abortion, at least when it comes to cases like rape and incest. I'd also like a president who doesn't mind same-sex marriage, but that's not exactly a huge priority to me.
Only if opposite-sex couples also have to get a license.

I'm rooting for Obama, not because I like him, but just because I dislike the Republicans. Though if I had to choose a GOP candidate, it would be Rick Parry. ;D
You're right, I misunderstood. I thought you said he was FOR marriage licenses.

No, Rick Parry is not a real person. He was featured in an ad in Iowa supporting him over real candidate Rick Perry. Steven Colber's Super Pac "Americans for a Better Tomorrow Tomorrow" created and funded it.
It was the "lesser of two evils". I don't exactly support Obama's agenda, track record is proof of that, but I disaprove of the Republican agenda more.
Seeing as I'm all for states' rights, Ron Paul is looking like a pretty good candidate right now. The California gay marriage thing was a huge miscarriage of justice in my opinion and the voters should have gotten their way.
Wow, a candidate I actually think might be good! Why did I have to be born three years late?

I'll just hope that America is fed up enough with Obama and the Democrats to vote Paul in.
And if Paul loses the primary he could just go to the Middle East and join Hamas!
The problem is that Paul would pretty much cut off all foreign spending to help Israel at all, and I don't think charities could provide nuclear weapons to defend against Iran.
I also just don't like Paul as a person. He seems very cold and not too kind. The president served as an icon and one of the advantages Obama has is that he comes off as a friendly man. Ron Paul doesn't exactly seem like the kind of man I'd want to see as the face of America.
I honestly think Michael Bloomberg should run. I think he'd have a legitimate shot at winning, but it's really too late for him to start a campaign.
Paul's performance is the sign of a good poitician. Also, just because a president seems cold and distant doesn't mean that they're a mean person or a bad leader. Look at Calvin Coolidge, who is famous even today for his legendary silence. Being a serious president is by no means a bad thing, in fact it should be expected in my opinion.
But wasn't Calvin Coolidge not such a great president? I mean, times were great but not because of him, and a lot of his policies were very shortsighted and helped lead to the great depression.
That depends. He reduced the size of government (similar to Ron Paul plans, actually) which may have led to the depression, but that's because the government was doing a good job managing the economy. These days we're a ridiculous amount in debt and obviously the government is not doing a good job managing the economy, so a more state-focused economy might be more beneficial now.
I really think the reason the US hasn't withdrawn from their role as global police is because it would kinda be a cowardly move. We're in pretty deep at this point in a whole lot of places, and a complete withdrawal would not only be a dick move, it could throw everything out of balance.
I think that there are some issues the US can certainly pull out of, but there are others in which the US is trying to protect interests.

Of course, Israel is one of the issues that I care about, as do nearly all of the Jews in America. Recent articles on CNN show the lack of Jewish support for Obama after his comments on Israel returning to the pre-1967 borders.

From a Zionist standpoint, I wouldn't mind Mitt Romney in office.
Mitt Romney is really the only Republican I'm scared of. Not because of his policies (in fact, they're much better than Bachmann, Paul, or Perry), but because I think he's the only one with a legitimate shot of winning. Face it, he almost won the nomination in 2008, and he has a strong Republican backing.
Doofenshmirtz Evil said:
I think he's the only one with a legitimate shot of winning.
That would depend on where you're surveying. Here in the South it's more or less Conservative and Ron Paul is the most popular.

And surveys aren't always accurate, there are a bunch of rednecks here who usually vote Republican. No offense to rednecks.

If you need historical evidence of surveys' inaccuracy, see the Truman-Dewey election.
From my standpoint, both Obama and Paul would be terrible for Israel.

I'm going to support Romney, I guess.
Steelers Suck said:
As for Perry, I just think he's far too religious.

I have to agree. I'm very new when it comes to politics, but I'm not voting for a man who relies on prayer and suggests that Texas secedes or something (if I'm 18). Correct me if I'm wrong.