Control the Throne II

"Ok. Well, lets go. Wait- HOW DO YOU SPEAK?!" Fawful demanded.
Amphituber shrugs. Or does the frog equivalent of a shrug anyway.

"You live in a world of talking turtles, heroic plumbers, and mushroom people. You tell me."
Yoshiwaker said:
in those 10 more posts, nobody has gotten the throne yet

am i missing something?

As far as I can tell, this game is sort of an odd fusion between role playing games and traditional forum games. So yeah, it takes a while. Honestly, I don't object to you taking the throne since we are going to claim it soon anyway.
You guys are silly. You waste so much time fight over me.
Yoshiwaker said:
Bilbo Baggins said:
1.You may not get the throne in one simple post, so don't say/do stuff along the lines of "I shoot you throne get."
Shown example is a mindless, one-sentence throne get that doesn't account for anything else.

Unlike my post.

also do you want me to get it in two posts instead
even if i do the same thing
that was the main issue with when I had the throne, nobody bothered to try to take the throne off me when I actually got it, and it was boring

yoshiwaker's post still stands
the court of public opinion has found yoshiwaker not guilty

let the game continue

(are neptune and I mods of this game now or something? idk)
I might as well help, too. I am, after all, the throne.
emotionTongue said:
I might as well help, too. I am, after all, the throne.
Didn't you notice the part where I used a Poltergust 3000 to remove your spirit from the throne?

You are no longer the throne. The throne is simply a throne.

I guess you're still sitting inside my Poltergust 3000, somewhere in my base. idk.

The base autodestructed after I left the game though, so you should be free to do whatever you want though.
You have obviously not been listening. You removed SERVER, not TANTUSAR.

EDIT: And we're not spirits, we're AIs!

EDIT 2: It looks like you broke my ability to be nice. Dang.
If you're an AI, then how can you affect people who sit on the throne? Unless there's secretly a biometric interface on the throne?

That... is actually somewhat disturbing.

Whoever gets the throne can probably solve the problem by blasting it with a high-intensity ion cannon. Since the throne is indestructible, it won't be harmed, but it will short and and utterly disable any electronics.
A fine point. I would not have thought of it myself. My thanks, Dr Javelin. JASDERO, DEVIT, SHOOT THAT THRONE WITH YOUR "RED-PLANET FIREBALLS"!!!
That would kill me. That's against the rules.
emotionTongue said:
That would kill me. That's against the rules., it doesn't say that. It says you can't "kill everyone", by which it means it would be OP to just murder everyone instantly.