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Debate wether Death is neccesary or not.

In my opinion I think it's neccesary.

It's the only line that can prove the survival of the fittest after all and thus it helps the earth to not overpopulate.

plus dead animals, people or plants corpse's can be used as nutrients for new plants thus continuing the cycle of life.
Death is a tricky concept for me.

I don't really like the uncertainty of it, the fact that you lose people closest to you, etc., and I wish that there was a way to avoid it if I'm completely honest, or at least extend it enough. Death scares me, simple enough, and although I believe there's an afterlife, it still scares me all the same. Heck, 100 years is not nearly enough time to do everything you want to, especially considering that you spend the first 20 years of your life trying to get educated properly for jobs that will steal away about 50 years of your life, leaving you into old age where you won't have done half the things that you wanted to do before the cold embrace of death eventually takes you. And even then, was all of your work really worth it? You'll end up leaving not even a small blip on the face of the earth after you die, which bothers me too. And what about the future? I wouldn't be able to see what happens in the future, which I would most like to see.

On the other hand, however, if everyone survived, and there was no death, we would eventually pile up this planet, ultimately sending people into space, where they would eternally suffocate.
Kingbowser99 said:
On the other hand, however, if everyone survived, and there was no death, we would eventually pile up this planet, ultimately sending people into space, where they would eternally suffocate.
Actually, there is one story from one of those religions where everything was immortal and propagation was impossible. Then there were a few rocks, and a few humans. The humans wanted a child, and asked God for help. God wanted to help them, in exchange for their immortality. The rocks however, didn't want it, so therefore they are still immortal and don't propagate. The humans, and all other organisms actually, now are mortal and able to propagate.

Now say that we were immortal, wouldn't it make sense if propagation is not possible?

It is necessary. Unless everything living people suddenly becomes sterile, death is always necessary. But even so...

Immortality can sometimes be a worse fate than death.

Most notable because of pain. Pain would never leave your body. You would feel pain for your entire life. Which would be infinite. A man bleeding out will eventually die, and the pain would presumably go away. A immortal man would have to deal with the excuriating pain until a solution arises. Anything that would normally kill you, wouldn't. War would be incredibly worse, as well as natural disasters.

You fell off a mountain? Well every single bone in your body is broken, you can feel a incredible pain everywhere, and you can't move or do anything about it. Immortality sucks, huh?

Head chopped off? Standing in front of a grenade when it went off? Lynched? Crushed by a boulder? Set on fire? Drowning? Starving?

Too bad, you are immortal, and you must deal with it.

Life would be infinite, but pain would also be infinite.

I think I made my point, sorry if that was way too morbid for you guys, but that is what I believe is the truth.
Heh. Death.

I've never experienced losing someone this way.(yet)

My view on it is rather...twisted.

I don't wanna die nor live forever. I imagine it'd be similar to sleeping in unconsciousness.

Spirits... That happens under special conditions I feel.
I don't why, but Death is always on mind, and to be honest it scares me, but it's going to happen so I live with it. Although as a pessimist I do think every day is my last.

However, I like joking about death, in fact it's one of my favourite subjects to joke about and the one I feel most comfortable about joking about
The only death I care about, is the death of people who were close to me, which in this case means, the death of my father, 2 years ago.
Thinking about it still makes me angry, in present days.

I've never cared about the death of any of my grandparents, as I never met them in person.
death is strange, since apparently Ive heard dying from old age is because of how the oxygen you breathe slowly burns up your brain or something

i may be afraid of dying but I'm not afraid of being dead since it'd be the same as being unborn
death as in my death, is something im not worried about.

I accepted that i could die almost everyday from god knows what, and not be afraid of it.

Maybe its because of my failed suicide attempts or somthing, idk.

Although death of others makes me feel pretty depressed.

I used to think very lightly of others peoples death but my great grandmother dying was pretty hard to take in and took me several weeks to move on.

So, that's my opinion of death right there.
This just sounds like a sad thread.

It's one of those "half empty, half full" sort of things really. Death can be a bad thing, or it can be a good thing.

Death isn't really painful. Death is basically just the "absense of pain" because I mean, once you're dead, you don't feel anymore. You're just...gone. Not to sound negative, but I'm sure that every second of our lives we are in some sort of physical or mention type of pain, even if it's the kind that is so insignificent we never notice it. It's like, Death is just the end of any suffering, which does make sense.

And then of course there is the concept of the afterlife. Death can be seen as the "gateway" from life to the afterlife, whatever you believe in. For me, I believe in heaven and that there is a god and that through christianity you can too enter Heaven. Of course, there's also the belief of no souls and that you are just buried in the ground or burned to ashes and that is where you are, and there is the belief that once you are gone, you still exist as a figment of reality known as a ghost. There's even those that believe that once you die, you are reincarnated into something else, whether it be a plant, an animal, or another human being. Since it's one of life's mysteries, it's confusing what happens, and no one really knows.

Inevitably, we will all die at one point, and nothing in this world that can stop that. There are things that can help us extend our life, but nothing will make us immortal. Immortality would be terrible as well, because it would throw off the course of nature, and there would be no negative factor to life, meaning that the population will only continue to rise, which will lead to a shortage of food. And, as some people have mentioned in this thread, immortality would not be that glamorous because of the fact that you would only feel pain. As I stated earlier, Death is just the "absense of pain"; have you ever starved yourself to death? No, because you wouldn't be here. But if you were to live, I'm pretty sure that overpopulation will cause the food supply to disappear, and people would still be alive, but would be on the bringe of death from stravation, but unable to end their suffering. I'm sure that is a fate worse than death.

But sometimes you just got to forget that fact of Death. Death is simply a concept that people labeled for the passing of people. It will happen, and will always happen. Life and Death is a two sided coin - it cannot exist without the other. For every birth, there is a death. It's just the nature of reality. Dying isn't really something to be sad about, because it happens. However, it's the fact that you lose someone that you grew a relationship with and loved that makes it such a sad fact. So death should just been seen as the end of the book. Fulfill as much as you can in life. Life is only as good as you make it, and of course a life is better the more you make use of it. I'm sure that you would rather enjoy living for 50 years in happiness of what you are doing rather than living for 1,000 years of a life that you do nothing that you enjoy. Again, death is just the end of the book, and it doesn't change what happens all before it.

So yeah, this is all just my opinion from what I know about the topic of death, and it may not be accurate or close to your opinion. I tend to be more of a "half full", optimistic sort of person, so I know there is a more pessimistic sort of aspect to death, but I think that it's just a matter of opinion.
cryoAwakening said:
For me, I believe in heaven and that there is a god and that through christianity you can too enter Heaven.

cryoAwakening said:
death should just been seen as the end of the book.

I am confused. If there's an "end to the book," does that make the afterlife an epilogue or something?
Mario4Ever said:
cryoAwakening said:
For me, I believe in heaven and that there is a god and that through christianity you can too enter Heaven.

cryoAwakening said:
death should just been seen as the end of the book.

I am confused. If there's an "end to the book," does that make the afterlife an epilogue or something?

yes it does.
Well, from my beliefs and understanding, people who die are only resting (hence the term "rest in peace") and will rise again somehow someday. By knowing and believing that, I am not afraid of death at all. Also, I don't believe it is possible for the earth to become overpopulated.
Zae said:
Mario4Ever said:
cryoAwakening said:
For me, I believe in heaven and that there is a god and that through christianity you can too enter Heaven.

cryoAwakening said:
death should just been seen as the end of the book.

I am confused. If there's an "end to the book," does that make the afterlife an epilogue or something?

yes it does.

What if the afterlife is a crappy sequel that doesn't even have the correct voice actors?
chillv said:
Also, I don't believe it is possible for the earth to become overpopulated.


I would really like you to explain why you think this, if you don't mind.
Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
Unfortunately, I don't believe in afterlife. I do get those moments where I don't even know what I'm doing, and I usually wonder what it feels like to be dead. It saddens and chills me that there will be a day where I won't feel or think, and that everyone else here will eventually have to become it. I feel like whatever I'm doing is just a dream, some meaningless existence in a surreal world. Everything that we're experiencing, it's our brain and our sensory receptors doing all the work, so when it's gone, you're gone.
I've been under the influence of anesthesia, but I heard this beeping noise from a machine, which I heard when I woke, and it feels like sleeping. I think death is just having your brain disappear and not feeling anything forever.
I'm very scared of death. I'm just worried what will happen when I die and I'm anxious of it.