last person to post wins

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Hai geyz
I'm sure this has been said before but I do think this is a little too random to be a forum game, ya know there is no winner unless the thread is locked so it's just a post whatever thread :luigi:
Good story, Luigi 64DD. By the way, the reason I haven't posted on this tread very often is to win by being the last one, which I do if there is no one posting for a while. However, this is the exception as I wanted to comment on the story.
No one posts on treads though. Treadmills, maybe.
Spinosaurus said:
I thought it was pretty obvious who's who.
I thought that too but I was to polite to say it. :waluigi:

Taranza said:
Make a comic adaptation

Me in the insane asylum.

Fawful & Cackletta said:
I'm sure this has been said before but I do think this is a little too random to be a forum game, ya know there is no winner unless the thread is locked so it's just a post whatever thread :luigi:
This thread is a cross between a Forum Game and Mindless Junk.

As far as continuing the story, I'll let Spinosaurus or Shy Guy on Wheels contribute if they want. If not, maybe I'll do it later.
Aww, I'm a good writer, I think. Can't I pitch in somewhere?
Okay then! I'm going to switch POV since I'm not Luigi 64DD. I will stick with where the story is now though.

"Do you know what just happened to you?" The dinosaur asked.

"No, only that I feel like I'm having some sort of fever dream or something."

"Do you have any recollection of what happened before?"

" you know?"

"Yes. You lived in the real world. We brought you here and you lost your memory. I know I asked you what you remembered,
but sometimes this procedure ends up failing. It seems to have gone successfully for you though." The person, dressed in a green work shirt and overalls and wearing a green hat with an L on it, simply stared at the pair of strange people.

"So why am I here again?"

"Over in another room of this facility, there's another person who is your brother."

"But -"

"Don't interrupt him," the smaller of the two chimed in.

"Thank you. Anyway, your brother has been patiently waiting there for you for quite some time. Would you like to go meet him?"

There was nothing but silence for about 30 seconds. Finally,
the green man said, "Yes. I'd like to know who this "brother" is.

"Great. Just come with me." The dinosaur unlatched the metal that was holding the green man into the table.

"Where are you taking me?" The green man said in anxiety.

"You'll find out."
I'm going to ignore the Jurassic Park reference (that I had to look up because I never watched them, I just figured it was JP because A51 is a big fan) because the continuity gets all screwed up because Jurassic Park + Mario...yeah. Sorry. Maybe that can be your origin story but I'm not going to be able to add it here.

The green man and the dinosaur walked for what felt like hours to the green man until they came to a heavy metal door labeled "Authorized Personnel Only." The dinosaur put his claw up to a reader, which beeped a few times before the door clicked open.

"Are we almost there?" The green man asked.

"Yes. Just remain patient." The two walked to another metal table similar to the one the green man was on when he woke up. On the table, a person similar to the green man, this time dressed in a red shirt with a red hat that had an M on it, was lying unconscious.

"Who's that?" The green man asked.

"Your brother."

"But I don't -"

"This is your brother. He'll tell you he's your brother, and you should believe him." The dinosaur took out a small intercom microphone and said, "You're all set. Go ahead with waking him up."

Another person on the other end replied, "Yes, sir." A faint whirring noise came from under the table.

"Don't worry, we're just trying to bring his consciousness back." The green man started shivering.

"I still wish I knew what was going on..." The man on the table yawned and opened his eyes. "Who's that?" The red man asked as he sat up.

"This is your brother."

"My what?"

"Your brother."

"But I don't know -"

"He's your brother," The dinosaur snapped. "Now both of you, come with me." The dinosaur sat the two men down in chairs and had them look each other in the eye. "Now watch this chain here. Just follow it with your eyes. Just follow it. Now think..."This is my brother. This is my brother. This is my brother." Just think until it's implanted in your mind. Just think. Just think." The two eventually started looking at each other as brothers.

"Great. Who's this?" The dinosaur asked the red man.

" brother..."

"And who's this?" The dinosaur this time asked the green man.


"That's good. You two can get up now." The two were now brothers. Even if at first they doubted, they were brothers, and always would be. "Now, we have one more thing for both of you. Come with me."

The suspense is real. Or maybe not, I dunno.
Suddenly, a guy with a mustache and a beard wearing a koopa shell comes in and... I don't know.
^I got this.

"Where are we?" The red man asked.

"I can't tell you." The three walked down another long has to another long hall to similar to the one they were in before.
The dinosaur put a claw onto another reader which beeped a few times until the door clicked open. "Koop, I'm going to turn these two over to you. You know what to do." The dinosaur walked the two people over to two chairs.

"Do you know your names?" A half man, half turtle asked the two.

"I don't."

"I don't either."

"Great. That's why you're here. You, come with me." He took the red man into a small room. The turtle man taught the red man his name: Mario. He did the same thing with the green name, whose name was Luigi. The turtle man took out an intercom and said, "They're ready." The dinosaur came back into the room and took Mario and Luigi out into another hallway

"There's one more thing we have to do before you're finished here. Come with me."

I drew a blank on this.
Ah, very good. I was pretty much out of good ideas. But there's so many questions. Am I truly Luigi? Is the other guy truly Mario? If he isn't, is he a user named Mario 64DD? Tune in next time to find out.

So now we've got me, Spinosaurus, Shy Guy on Wheels, and Koopd Guy represented, with Roserade coming soon. Question is will J-Fred show up? Maybe Yoshi the SSM and Fawfulthegreat64 could make small cameos since they posted recently. It's all up to you, though.

P.S. I hope no one's bothered by the fact that I'm using usernames and display names interchangeably.
Luigi 64DD said:
Am I truly Luigi?

I imagine so.

Luigi 64DD said:
Is the other guy truly Mario?

I also imagine so.

Mario and Luigi were still completely confused by the whole scenario. They weren't brothers, but yet they believed they were. They knew their names, but were they their real names? These were just a few of the questions running through the brothers minds on the long walk down the hallway. The dinosaur put a claw to another reader and opened another metal door. "Taranza, they're ready."

"Great." Mario and Luigi were led toward a humanoid flower creature and a red creature with a large nose, a saddle, and blue boots. The creature seemed oddly familiar to them even though they had never seen it before. "And what are your names?"

Nervously, Mario answered "My - my name is Mario...and this is my brother..."

"And what's your name?"


"So, Mario and Luigi, I'd like to introduce you to your new pet.
It's up you to choose his name, but first I need you to do something. Get on his back. You can go first, Mario." Mario hesitantly put his left leg over the creature's back, and when he did, the creature changed his posture from upright to bent over. "If you want him to move, just lean in the direction you want."

"O...okay..." Mario leaned forward slightly and the creature moved with him. Startled, he jolted back and stopped. He moved forward and leaned to the left, and the creature moved with him. A few minutes later, he said, "This is actually... kinda fun." He ran around the room for a while before the flower person said, "Would you like to let your brother have a turn?"

"Sure, I, bro."

"Thanks..." Luigi got on the creature's back and rode around for a while before he got off.

"This creature you've been riding on is called a Yoshi - and he's yours to keep. He'll listen to anything you say. If you need him to do something for you, he will."

"And we get to keep him?"

"Yes." He took out a similar intercom system to that of the one the dinosaur and the turtle man had and said "I think they're ready." The dinosaur came in and took Mario, Luigi, and the Yoshi out into the hall again.

"We're almost done. A few more things before you can experience your new life."


"I said new."

Sorry it ends kinda abruptly.
J-Fred said:
Luigi 64DD said:
Am I truly Luigi?

I imagine so.

Luigi 64DD said:
Is the other guy truly Mario?

I also imagine so.

Mario and Luigi were still completely confused by the whole scenario. They weren't brothers, but yet they believed they were. They knew their names, but were they their real names? These were just a few of the questions running through the brothers minds on the long walk down the hallway. The dinosaur put a claw to another reader and opened another metal door. "Taranza, they're ready."

"Great." Mario and Luigi were led toward a humanoid flower creature and a red creature with a large nose, a saddle, and blue boots. The creature seemed oddly familiar to them even though they had never seen it before. "And what are your names?"

Nervously, Mario answered "My - my name is Mario...and this is my brother..."

"And what's your name?"


"So, Mario and Luigi, I'd like to introduce you to your new pet.
It's up you to choose his name, but first I need you to do something. Get on his back. You can go first, Mario." Mario hesitantly put his left leg over the creature's back, and when he did, the creature changed his posture from upright to bent over. "If you want him to move, just lean in the direction you want."

"O...okay..." Mario leaned forward slightly and the creature moved with him. Startled, he jolted back and stopped. He moved forward and leaned to the left, and the creature moved with him. A few minutes later, he said, "This is actually... kinda fun." He ran around the room for a while before the flower person said, "Would you like to let your brother have a turn?"

"Sure, I, bro."

"Thanks..." Luigi got on the creature's back and rode around for a while before he got off.

"This creature you've been riding on is called a Yoshi - and he's yours to keep. He'll listen to anything you say. If you need him to do something for you, he will."

"And we get to keep him?"

"Yes." He took out a similar intercom system to that of the one the dinosaur and the turtle man had and said "I think they're ready." The dinosaur came in and took Mario, Luigi, and the Yoshi out into the hall again.

"We're almost done. A few more things before you can experience your new life."


"I said new."

Sorry it ends kinda abruptly.

A Yoshi. Seems very unspecific, except that it obeys all orders. If you look at my sig, it says that I don't have time to give out rides. But, hey, I am a math whiz, so I could possibly work at this place.
Yoshi the SSM said:
A Yoshi. Seems very unspecific, except that it obeys all orders. If you look at my sig, it says that I don't have time to give out rides. But, hey, I am a math whiz, so I could possibly work at this place.
The story appearance of a user is not meant to be exactly like the real user. After all, my life goal is not really to be like Luigi. However, I can see how you might not like how you seem to be an animal rather than being sentient. I think it'd be cool if you unexpectedly talk later in the story, making Mario and Luigi realize with shock that you're actually a sentient being.
This is me writing at like 10:30 PM so sorry if it's not good.

The dinosaur took the brothers and their Yoshi to a place that looked like some kind of simulator. Rather than sending both brothers in, the dinosaur only had Mario go into the room.

"Hi! Are you here for the Bowser battle simulator?" I asked.

"I don't know..."

"I'm sure you are, otherwise you wouldn't be here. What's your name?"


"Great! Could you put this on please, and hold these in your hands. Just press the little button on the handle to control things. You'll see some instructions, when you're done reading them just press the shoulder buttons on both controllers.
I'm going to leave you be, you're going to do the rest." I put on a gray sweatshirt with black sleeves and the words "Team Edge"
and "J-Fred" on it.

"What do I do? Can I -" Mario grabbed a small flower in the game that allowed him to throw fireballs. He stated throwing loads of fireballs at Bowser, who to him was just a large turtle with spikes on his shell. A few fireballs later, Bowser fell into the lava and the game ended.

"I'll get that for you," I said as I took off his headset. "This is what you're going to be doing for most of your life. If you don't like it, sorry. You can head back out now. Have your brother come in too." Mario left, and while he was away, I loaded up a different simulator. This time Luigi would be holding a vacuum and trying to find as many ghosts as possible and suck them up.

"Hi! What's your name, sir?"


"Great. Could you put on this headset for me? Take these two controllers and hold them and look for the shoulder buttons.
Do you have them.


"Then go ahead and read the directions you should see, and when you're done, hit both shoulder buttons." Luigi stated the game and seemed to be fairly creeped out at it. After he finished, I took his headset off and sent him out to the dinosaur. "You can take them to the next thing you're doing. They know how their lives are going to be spent."

"Thank you." They walked away and I closed the door to the simulation room. I don't know where they went...
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