Control the Throne

i may have lost my time machine, but i can shave my teleportation device. i teleport to Time Machines 'R' Us (i own the place) and get a few damage proof time machines, that no one (beside Chuck Norris and Sumo Wrestlers) can destroy. i then go back in time again and........ i get the throne back!
SuperPaperFan said:
I used Chaos Control on you, blasting you into the sun.
That's...not what Chaos Control does.

I confiscate the throne from you as a punishment for this logical fallacy.
I'm guessing you don't understand Chaos Control. Once you control the emeralds, you can do anything with them.

I use the Portal gun from Portal and shoot a portal right underneath the throne, sucking you and the throne to the moon.

I buy a new throne, and claim it.
i use my time machine to go back in time to before Ultima found the throne, i shield it with the strongest materials in the universe.

I have claimed the throne again.
you are to big to fit on the throne, you fall over and i take the throne. i bring the throne to a fat person museum filled with fat people who are guarding my throne
Ah, you see, my Hypnotic Watch of Power can be used to control youre fat guards. I at once take the Throne, and mix it up with thrones that all look like the one throne. Now you will never find the throne.

Anyways, all of the thrones are exactly the same as the original one.

Throne Get.
Honestly I didn't want to play this card, since you used time travel, which I made impossible when I destroyed everyone who was involved in this throne heist with my mind.

But, as you all know, this throne holds unspeakable power. And heck, only the creators of the seven original wikis plus the dark lands can control the throne.

And I was one of the original creators. The others died in the thousand year war or just couldn't be bothered to steal the throne.

So, I will now destroy the throne, the one creation that can control the universe.

Oh, and one more thing. The throne is in a temporal lock. If I destroy the throne now, it is destroyed in the past, present and future.
You said "will".
That means you haven't done it yet.
Hi bro, we can arrange this. If the throne holds unspeakable power, we can't even use it since it's so big we can't talk about it. After all, I know that the creators wouldn't be weird/stupid enough to not put some sort of security or have its power be usable for un-powerful hands. There's no need to destroy the throne. Heck, I'm pretty sure everybody who cared didn't know that 'till you said it. Let's arrange this. No need to destroy the throne.
First of all, I said "will now", as in "I will now destroy the throne". Second of all, we were so excited in finding this new world that we did not think about "security settings" or anything of the jazz. Thirdly, why do you think people have been trying to steal the throne? Fourth of all, we wanted other users to be able to use the throne to govern their races long after we had gone. However, certain events took place, showing us we made a massive mistake. And finally, I'm not your brother, or any relative of yours, as far as I know.
I could've sworn I destroyed the throne, existance, nonexistance, and everything inbetween during that whole super saiyan thing I did.
You thought incorrectly. I mean just recently someone used time travel to steal the throne.

Either way, the throne has just been destroyed by me, and nothing will bring it back.
Now why go for a throne? You can choose from any item in the world, and what do you do? You choose the exact same item as before. Typical humans, your repetitiveness will be your inevitable downfall.

Why don't you break the cycle and choose something that can actually be stolen easily, eh?

Try a magical ring, or Maxwell's notebook, for example. Though it does belong to me, I'll let you guys play around with it for a while.