
The other day, I dreamed my dad and I were at some arcade-like place whom Flandre Scarlet from Touhou owned. At the end of it, she killed both of us. It was extremely bizzare...
I just had a dream where I was at this resort with some spanish girl, me, my two friends, my cousin, and four cats: 1 fat one, a small kitten, and the other two named Pyro and Toad85!

That cats talked and it was pretty weird
i Had a Dream Taking over DarkMyst And putting new commads in the system and becoming a Admin On the Super Mario Wiki and UserPedia.
I recently had a dream in which I was the star of a video game. I made it to the end, and the final boss was MCD, only he was an evil mutant Kirby. Then I played the harmonica and he exploded into weak, smaller Kirbys that I then beat up with a tree branch. Then I started looking for pictures of Zelda characters.

I tend to have really strange dreams.
I had a dream I was in an 8-bit game of Homestuck. In one of the minigames you would drive a go-kart around a zoologically dubious creature and try to shoot it.
Guiliant said:
Not to go Baby Time on you all, but I'm really worried about my 11 year old cousin. He doesn't really have the best living conditions, not going into details, but his mother keeps picking up men that he doesn't like. So, he usually stays up at our house on the weekends, and he's always twisting and turning in his sleep, sleep walking, waking up because he was having a terrible nightmare, etc.

I know I do have sleeping probs, but I know I don't have them this bad. Does anyone know if he'll outgrow it our anything? Or any advice etc
I can't believe I missed this post.

I think he's reacting to a situation he doesn't like. I don't mean to sound worrying but it sounds like he might develop some serious psychological problems if his mother keeps bringing strange boyfriends into the picture.
New Super Mario said:
I just had a dream where I was at this resort with some spanish girl, me, my two friends, my cousin, and four cats: 1 fat one, a small kitten, and the other two named Pyro and Toad85!

That cats talked and it was pretty weird
I had dream....

I dreamt that my mom happily told me that the neighbors accepted to give me a kitten (I think it was the offspring of their 2 cats) then I entered their house mistook their dog for a cat and then they gave me the kitten who was hidden in a paper of a newspaper. It had the following colors... black, orange and white. then my dream ended because I had to wake up to go to my stupid school... jeez I wish I didn't wake up so early sometimes.
I dreamt about having Super Powers and beating bad guys. I tend to have dreams like that alot. Hell, I've even based characters around the idea of me in the dreams. Fire Powers, Laser Sword and Speed. I dont remember if there was more though...
I dreamed that I was standing in my kitchen looking out at the pond in my backyard and there were three giant alligators eating a car.

Then I woke up from that dream and I was still in the kitchen waking up from that dream in the another dream. No, I kid you not, it was dreamception.

I used to be able to become self aware every time I thought the word dream in my dreams. Pity I lost that ability.
I had this really weird dream for some days ago. In this dream, there were some buses that could drive on water. Hell, some of those buses could even carry cars, while still being able to drive on water. In the same dream I could also walk on water.

Then I have had this really strange, reoccurring dream which goes something like this: James Bond is my Father, Vernon Dursley is my Uncle and Petunia Dursley is my Aunt. Vernon and Petunia are evil, as they want to kill me. In this dream I always find myself at my summerplace which is located at Öland — Swedish place, Google it to get a perspective on this dream. They(Vernon and Petunia) find me there, and they are trying their best to kill me. As this happens, James Bond appears out of nowhere, grabs me, places me in his car, and drives me away to Gothenburg. When we arrive there, which only takes a couple of seconds, we realise that they are still hunting after us. What do we do? James Bond parks in his own garage, lets me off, promising that he will slow them down. From this garage I run like a maniac towards a random building. In this building I find a wooden slide, which I use to take me to China.
I have had this dream three times. Once when I was 10, once when I was 12, and a final time when I was 16. Yay for strange dreams.
I won't be surprised if I have a trippy dream that is related to ghost trick. Because whenever I play something alot or think about it alot it sometimes gets into my dreams