Natalie J.
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  • My mom is bullying me for eating something that was in the fridge because it "wasn't for me." I'd also like to note, she never said that before so she basically just completely made it up to shame me for.
    Can't say I expected to be writing about Santa Claus Conquers the Martians in my college writing assignment today.
    What did Marvin do to deserve being conquered by Santa Claus?
    I'd have to ask my dad but I'm really excited because the final day I'll be in Massachusetts is either July 26 or 27, which is only about four and a half months away. I just have to push through that and then I'll get to finally live with @PlanteraBlade and be a lot happier person for it.
    I would love to commission myself a bunch of Vtuber emotes but I just don't have the money right now.
    Discord and Spotify are down at the exact same time. That's fun.
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I'm just so bored. I can't talk to most of my friends and I can't listen to music. Thankfully there's an eight hour video essay that came out today so I still have like six hours of that.
    i know right i finished a drawing the moment discord died and then went and drew another one and its still down and in dont even know what to do anymore 👍 time to cointinue watching youtube videos maybe ill fire up bluestacks or something
    Wew that's why I don't stream music
    I just played the same puzzle game in Wii Party U for 96:01. 1:36:01. I could have gone for a lot longer but I was getting mentally drained and I needed the bathroom. I like, physically couldn't keep playing.
    I would love to get good as a Geometry Dash creator but I would be such a bad player. I don't have nearly enough nerves or patience to become a good player.
    I hope it shows my teachers how dedicated I am to doing well that I'm willing to give up my spring break to catch up on my assignments.
    Anyone who remembers getting a picture of a piece of cake next to your age on your birthday deserves a veteran's discount.
    Power Flotzo
    Power Flotzo
    I wasn't on the old forum as much as some people, but I remember seeing the piece of cake on some profiles and I'd love for it to return.
    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    oh wait i just realised what rubberluigi meant

    I joined in late 2019 so I never seen that on here, but I've been on other forums built on the same forum software as I believe marioboards used to use, and I remember the cake next to my age on my birthday
    My profile says I'm 20 now? I mean, I'm not yet, but still, that makes me feel so much older. Having 2 as the first digit of my name for the first time is going to be really hard to get used to.
    It really is the last full day of me being a teenager, isn't it?
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Just think of it as a chance to go even further, the first few days isn't going to feel all that different, I still made the same mistakes till at least when I was 22, stuff is going to be hard but new cool stuff is there too, the choice is yours but you got to move forward
    I entered the holy fuck zone while I was playing About Face in Wii Party, and...then I choked. It's still impressive that I can just casually double the previous world record.
    I'm getting a package in the mail today that has a new shirt with King Boo on it. Also on it is a decently obvious pentagram, which is not a sign that I'm a Satanist, but it is a sign that I like purposely pissing my mom off in minor ways.
    Which is worse, being vocally transphobic or lying about being supportive? I ask because my mom does the latter and it hurts more than it would if she were just outwardly bigoted.
    True. However, when I talk about various contexts, I do sometimes think about mega corps though. Like they're happy to do rainbow flags in June in one side of the mouth but will quietly donate to anti-LGBTQIA+ politicians out the other side of the mouth, which is a case of technically lying about being supportive. The LGBTQIA+ stuff is to market it in the end rather than promote human causes but would it be better if they just put hatred in their products? Nah, I think they should continue with the rainbow products, but we definitely need to act harsher on their donations, hold them accountable (somehow), and VOTE AGAINST THE POLITICANS THEY DONATE TO SO THEY WOULD THINK TWICE ABOUT IT.
    I'm the lil bro.
    I'm the lil bro.
    I'd say the dodging around the supportiveness is more harmful overall, because it's what convinces people to go down the pipeline to being outright vitriolic since it sounds reasonable. If you pose "reasonable concerns" to people while acting like you have no problem with it, you come across more like you know what you're talking about, which hooks in people who may be on the fence/aren't educated on the topic. That's how the anti-SJW movement got so big on YouTube, for instance, because they'd present things in a "logical, rational concern" sort of deal at first.

    To be frank, LGBTQIA+ issues are just something you can't be neutral about. There's no middle ground on it. People who act like there is, imo, are being dishonest.
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    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    Come to think about they're closer to being equal than I thought because if some countries, say, lied about being supportive towards LGBTQ+ people they might occasionally throw a bone in to them. But I still hate people who lie about being supportive where I am more because they're harder to pin down
    Trying to have correspondence with six different people at the same time sure is a shitty idea.
    How in the hell are sociology and math my favorite classes this semester? English and economics are just so goddamn boring that I literally can't do those.
    Some weirdos online think sociology is some sort of woke SJW brainwashing ritual or something but I've been in a sociology class. I haven't seen a single incense burn in there.
    I could use the spare time between now and when I have to send out role cards, or I could spend that time just complaining about how much I hate economics and nature essays.

    I think I'll spend that time complaining about how much I hate economics and nature essays.
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