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  • It has been
    a very
    time since
    I did anything here
    Looking back at my old profile posts
    I remember you from one post you made on one of my first profile posts.
    Pro tip for technology people: You know those online newspaper articles that won't let you read them unless you have a subscription? Some of these you can bypass by using private mode or deleting cookies, but sometimes that doesn't work either...

    So, of course, then you just have to put "view-source:" in front of the URL and then you can read it just fine.

    I love technology.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I knew about this. There are also paywall blockers you can get online. Usually, it's the big news outlets that bitch the most about subscriptions.

    Like you know, Jeff Bezo's owned WaPo bitches about subscriptions.
    Hey, this reward for My Nintendo members was about to expire, so you can use


    for seven free days of Nintendo Switch Online. Available for use until 3/6/2020 at 9:59 AM (Pacific Time).
    "Would you [xyz]?"
    "No, I wouldn't do that for a million dollars!"
    "What if I was going to give you a million dollars?"
    "Then I might do it."
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    Reactions: zel
    Dang, I just tried using the Japanese Nintendo website to download Famicom Online, but it didn't work - it showed the account icon for my NoA account in the corner, but once I hit the download button it logged me out of the Japanese website. I was really hoping that would work.
    Yeah, the only way to get the (Super) Famicom Online is to have a Japanese account. I got mine because I wanted to get Puyo Puyo eSports (localised as Puyo Puyo Champions) since it wasn't obvious that there will be a localised version. Since I have a throwaway Japanese account, it was just a matter of downloading.

    Thank you for reading.
    Dracula Robin
    Dracula Robin
    Wait would that let you do the crazy minus one world glitch with floating peachs and bowsers
    Oh, yeah, that. I guess it would.
    I knew that you could get the software from getting a JP account, but I was just checking and hoping.
    There's a Nintendo website that allows you to sample Joy-Con colors here.
    Well, I was fiddling around with it and noticed that what colors are displayed is determined in the URL, so I messed around a little bit and learned that you can use this to make colors appear that don't exist for that side (for example, making the right Joy-Con neon purple, when the color is actually exclusive to left cotrollers). This works with the wrist straps, too. (This is an example of impossible colors.)
    woah ive never heard of tihs site before this is super neat
    also bruh wtf green/green joycons look SO GOOD too bad joycons are too pricey in general.. i guess my red ones have served me surprisingly well so far so im not too upset!
    Idk what you're seeing but the URL only gives me a yellow left Joy-Con while the right one is a dead image link.

    I can't wait to be able to watch romance movies with my personal gumball machine and a human skeleton for the first time in Animal Crossing history
    In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you are basically a god. You can destroy cliffs, you can create land out of thin air, and you can dig up entire trees by eating apples.

    I can't wait
    • Like
    Reactions: Vivian
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    your pocket can carry tarantulas and spaceships already
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    Reactions: Vivian
    So Minecraft on steroids?
    Wow Villager gonna be op in next gen smash
    We put a flat piece of cardboard over our car windshield to keep snow from getting on it, and a few days later the cardboard was frozen to the windshield. That's Montana for you.
    NOTE: As a perfectionist writer, I often only post something when I can write it really well. That's why I have a reaction score of 30 with 39 messages (as of writing).
    It also helps that you joined later than the site's redesign, because Likes from the previous forum are not transferred. Some effort was made by some people to like previous posts, but for the most part, you can't get those back anymore. Anybody who accrued a lot of Likes before will not be able to see that here.

    Thank you for reading.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Also, Likes weren't always present. I've been posting for a while before they even got implemented in this forum to begin with.
    and then you got me
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