Pink Cat
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  • Has any sort of media stressed you out because it reminds you of your real life? I'm watching an Blackjack series and even though I'm enjoying it, a lot of the medical problems he has to deal with hits too close to home
    Remember that episode of Pokemon where Ash becomes a Pikachu at the end of it ... only for him to turn back as soon as the next one begins? What was the point of that?
    I both agree that I need to be less sensitive to call out posts as I need to be aware of unconscious bias in me as I will never fully unlearn bad behavior and discomfort shows I consider that a bad thing ... and holy fuck, social justice community, find a driving force for this than talking down to people to give them guilt, you are going to get someome killed from despair.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Compassion goes a long way, the vast majority of the world is not your enemy, you actually have to teach people who don't get it, not all who argue with you are intentionally being ignorant, those who in charge give them that bias, you shouldn't always try to invoke a fight ... if I'm wrong, I just have to learn, I am not in all the minorites these arguments come from but giving into malice for those who simply been programed and are not activtly trying to make your life worse seems destructive, I dunno, I been hit by so many of these posts that I feel guilty just saying this but I think keeping it in is unhealthy
    Gloriosa Daisy
    Gloriosa Daisy
    i think i relate to what you're saying
    Another round of 3ds themes, first three are K.K Slider, last one is Timmy and Tommy
    B18Q 56WF 2XBD 8R0F
    B18Q 56WW 2XRD KBLH
    B18Q 56WD 3TDM P4SS
    B18Y F29R 09NH S600
    The good thing about DC Fandome, it will be the first con I go to where I am not expected to talk to people
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Special website that works like a MMO ... unless you don't actually have a computer
    Hot Cocoa
    Hot Cocoa
    Ahhh I miss mmo games
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    I just want a good Superman game to be announced there, not only are none of his games are super incredible but one of them is one of the worst games of all time, he's an icon done dirty of "darkness instead of depth" mindset the entire comic industry has,
    What do you like about how you write your posts?
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Personally, as much as I poke fun at myself for it, I feel most comfortable with the level of detail I put into my posts. I don't think I do as good a job as providing insight into my thought processes as, say, Nitwit, but I think I do a fair job giving people enough detail to understand why I'm expressing what I'm expressing, and not just the end result I've arrived at.
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    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    My style of writing RP is heavily inspired by a series of books written for a pre-teen audience. It's very quirky and never takes itself seriously, which I enjoy adapting. For example, a passage of a book reads like this (who is the main villain of the series and he's actually supposed to be intimidating and powerful):

    "...he never wanted to see a dragon or a camel again. Or a whinging cabin boy or an egg. Or three moaning deckhands. Or the craven Drone. But there was work to be done..."

    "He left before sunrise without the Egg, the cabin boy, the deckhands, and, to his relief, the dragon. But he was stuck with Drone and a screaming toddler. And the camel."

    I like to have my posts light-hearted and childish and poking fun at things in general.
    i think i enjoy the fact that i feel just as comfortable doing big, long well-thought out posts as i do low-key posts like this with not much capitalisation or punctuation. its just nice to be able to be comfy enough to do either depending on how i feel and on the situation, cause it means im capable of fully expressing myself in long-winded ways when i want to, but i can also just jump into a chatroom and talk without fear of getting left behind or paralysed by making sure every sentence is perfectly crafted to make sure i get the perfect meaning across. i guess i just think its neat that i can do whatever i like lol
    I want try on leg warmers, a pink barret and long striped socks sometime in my life
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    Reactions: Uniju and Fordsy
    Hey celia. what's up. Is your new avatar supposed to be Fe?
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    It's Starfire as a tiger, I'm doing a theme for DC Comics
    OH. I don't know what starfire is but GOOD LUCK
    Good night, folks, I will be streaming Eto Rangers tomorrow at 3 pm pacific time, hope to see you there
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    Reactions: Peachette
    How have I went my whole life not knowing about this
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