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  • Dream me had a chance to meet one of my favorite YouTubers but then real me botched it by burning a song into my head and making me go crazy.
    My mom decided to leave me on a transphobic rant until next time I see her in December.

    I don't think she'll be seeing in me in December.
    I will never complain about a good dream being disappointing ever again. I forgot about the misery of anxiety nightmares.
    Do you think there's such a thing as like, a calculator that markets itself as AI? AI has become such a stupid corporate marketing buzz word that any program more complicated than Hello World is "AI" now so I wouldn't be surprised.
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    Reactions: November
    That reminds me of that scam I was messing around with yesterday. Basically, they were marketing themselves as an AI "service" or "program" that... makes millions of dollars for you via its unlimited knowledge? I assume that they scam a lot of older people who really aren't aware of what AI is and have only heard of it as a buzzword.
    I'm not in the field of media production but I want to make a "trailer" for an AI phone where all the AI features are clearly useless and don't work. It asks you a bunch of intrusive questions, gives you blatantly wrong information, gives you recommendations you didn't ask for, that kind of thing. I feel like there's enough gullible AI bros who wouldn't get the joke.
    A couple days ago I complained about the frustrating dreams I've been having about bowling and then last night, I have another one. Can I stop having dreams that remind me how boring real life actually is?
    I sure am having an actual serious discussion with my dad about what a golden limousine would cost.
    There have been some big rivalries in the past; cats and dogs, democrats and republicans, Seinfeld and Newman, etc. But allow me to propose one of the greatest rivalries that no one ever talks about: night owls and lawn mowers.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    They work their loud shit every Monday morning and I hate it. Got disrupted at like 7:30 in the morning because of it.
    I've been having the most frustrating dreams lately where I run into someone I used to know from bowling, we start talking and have a nice conversation and eventually make a connection, and then I wake up and realize that didn't happen and that I have like, no real life friends except for a couple.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    Yeah in a way not all but some good dreams can be more obnoxious than bad dreams depending on the context of one's actual life; they can remind one of how much better their life could be. I've had extremely similar dreams to the ones you mentioned but I prefer not to go into detail as I never share my dreams with anyone.
    I just beat the system and don't remember my dreams at all
    I like your new avatar. You're the handsome one, I think (its a joke from Bowser Nightmare's cutscene in story mode, where one says "I'm the handsome one" or he says cool, idk)
    When I was like 13 or 14 playing Mario Party 5, for some reason the blue one was the one my brain decided to attach to as my favorite.
    If I change my avatar, should I change it to General Shy Guy or one of the colorful Koopa Kids? I genuinely can't decide.
    Those are Koopalings, not Koopa Kids but I would want to be him for a while.
    I like the Koopa Kids, those guys are funny
    Been taking a nice break over the last few days. I've gotten to go bowling a few times and I got a name change petition notarized. I'm thinking of being a bit quieter for the next week or so while I finish up my vacation but I don't want anyone to be worried about me given that my last post was about being depressed.
    I've been dealing with some pretty bad depression over the last few days so I think the story I've been working on will have to wait until next month's issue of the Shroom, but at least I won't be completely absent this month.
    If I had a nickel for every character in a Mario game that had an initial of O., I would have two nickels. Which isn't much, but it's weird that there's two of them.
    Yeah, why not 3!!!!
    The Evil Queen
    The Evil Queen
    Wendy O. Koopa
    Origami Craftsman
    Old Man Watchitt
    Specifically having "O." in their name though, I can only think of Wendy and Mary O. from at least the first Mario Maker, I forget if she's in the second.
    I feel like I just got straight up trolled by my brain overnight. I had a dream where I ran into the friend I've been trying to reconnect with lately and we had a really nice conversation to the point that I said I liked her, even though that didn't really go anywhere. Eventually she said that she would talk to me more often and I left happy. Then I woke up to the song She Won't Talk to Me and still nothing from her. Just really beating me while I'm down with that one.
    There are some Super Monkey Ball levels with names that are absolute vocal stim to me. Some examples include:

    -Crazy Maze
    -Triangle Holes
    -5 Drums
    -Dizzy System
    -Variable Width
    -Train Worm
    Just dreamed that someone accidentally gave everyone admin permissions on this website so obviously all hell broke loose. There were all kinds of different sections of the forum getting made and there was a feature where you could scroll through YouTube Shorts at the top of the page.
    For all the identity issues I've had in the past, I'm genuinely so happy with the name I have right now. I've been using it on and off since August and consistently since November and in that time, I haven't wanted to change it at all.
    Genuinely, I'm about to nostalgia cry rewatching my episodes of Candlepin New Generation. I miss bowling so much now that I'm far away from it and I feel like I don't have any real hobbies anymore.
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