Real-Life Photos

eh it's not that dirty
I am, I'm trans
Are you growing long hair?
What do you usually wear?
Are you planning or conducting a medical transition?
Here everyone have some Lebanese ass.

Or not, that's just my face, guys, it was just an unfunny joke, don't go away. There was that time not long ago where I was like "Beard is starting to take over territory but I'm not shaving everything" and BAM! Here you have it. Only prominent part of my beard still left is right under the chin ('f course, shadows in combination with the tiny strands of hair make it look like it's still fully there).


Few stray blonde hairs are starting to grow in my mustache. They're rare but consistent, wonder if I'll ever turn blond. That would certainly be, uh, interesting, I guess.
its been a while

i just cleaned my shelves yesterday and set up rin and lina after bein the box for so long (and they are really cool)

now im pretty sure i need a new shelf lol

shout out to @Shmoopie for reminding me this exists

i rearranged a bit and got some new nicos


literally no space lol
Had my upper back right tooth extracted yesterday. It has given me many problems over the years, and after the fillings were removed, only about a fourth of the tooth was left.

Fortunately, the dentist says I won't miss it because of how my jaw is aligned. I had a very hard time brushing back there, which is why it was in such bad shape.

I don't own my own place. I don't even have a job. I'm still living with family. They let me get away with a lot.
Well it has snapchat filter on it, and i added some more effects in photoshop but other than that yes. If you look on my twitter, the photo is there in black and white, and that version is without the photoshop effects.
you look good
Earlier today, I made the extremely difficult decision to have my best friend put to sleep. His name was Wookiee, and he was about 15 1/2 years old. I still remember the day mom brought him home (November 26, 2004, I was 11 years old).

He was everything I could have asked for in a companion. He had such a sweet disposition, and would always greet visitors with enthusiasm. He was also very vocal when he wanted something, which was often quite comical. He had a very loud and high pitched voice.

I'm not doing very well right now. No matter how much I braced for this, it was never going to be enough.

Goodbye buddy. I love you.

(picture taken 2012)

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Good gravy! You really like Cars.