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My writing mojo has been totally gone lately so I'm thinking of going over to campus and spending a few hours at the library so I can get some writing done. I'd go to the building I usually write in but the air conditioning there is awful to the point that I nearly passed out there once so I think the library is a better idea.
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There's nothing more inspiring than some good old fashioned air conditioning
I can relate on the writing troubles, Natalie. I've been dealing with severe writer's block as of late, and I just struggle to find the inspiration and motivation to write anything. And I have no idea how I'm going to regain that inspiration and motivation.
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Sonic and the Secret Rings:

Waldorf: What kind of Sonic game was that?
Statler: It's called a medium game.
Waldorf: A medium game?
Statler: Yes, it wasn't rare, and it certainly wasn't well done.

He's gone y'all.

My grandpa just passed.
In 1986 there were only 18 black-footed ferrets alive.
I don't think the earth had ever been at such a low point.
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on South Park:

Waldorf: I don't think this show is suitable for children.
Statler's Grandson: I don't think this show is suitable for anybody.

They should invent a
that isn't
unfathomably late at night.
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Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious
See the problem is people have to work during the daytime
Then socialize at work and invite all your friends to come to work with you!
I don't care what the Nintenzoomers say, Super Mario 64 DS is not and never will be a good version of Super Mario 64.

'Yeah I love to play the port of the game that literally popularised analog controls on a system that doesn't have an analog stick'
- Literally what insane people say
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Natalie J.
Natalie J.
They were so close to having the best version of Mario 64 but they just botched the controls so bad D:

Don't get me wrong, I can get used to them, but I'm not going to say they're even remotely close to as good as they were in the original.