The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Okay so I have some bad news.

I've probably mentioned it before but my mum is hugely against me interacting with people online and might even think it's why I eat so rarely nowadays, so she blocked me from the boards. Per those reasons, she also turned on Parental Controls on my 3DS, meaning the everything has been restricted and I can really only play offline (rated 3) games now, I'm guessing. That said though, the PC pin is only four digits, so I'm currently trying to brute force the Parental Controls (RIP 10,000 possible combos) so I'm sure I'll be able to play games online again eventually.

For the record, the only reason I'm here atm is because Freakworld found a proxy that wasn't blocked (so thank him I guess), however I cannot risk her actually seeing me still on here in case she wants to liberate the laptop completely, so I will be very scarce but will show up occasionally for Awards Mafia and the other Awards things when necessary.

And my mother is really not tops at this, so I'm still able to access IRC, Skype, and Steam (simultaneously I might add), so if you really need me for something here, drop a PM here or use one of those three to contact me.

Goodbye for now.
Maybe see you around Ice. Hope your mum realises we're decent folk (mostly) here
That is atrocious parenting Ice and you should fight back for your freedom, I can not believe someone would do that. Good luck for the future if we dont see you again.
I was worried this would happen. It's ironic since you mentioned her just a few days ago in your ask thread. GJ for surviving so long though.

I hold hope maybe she will smart up and change her mind, but if this lasts for a long time then farewell and good luck. It's even more painful that I know people like this IRL. You don't deserve this; you're a big part of this community (certainly much more than myself). I'm going to really miss you Ice.
Parents really do suck sometimes and I'm lucky I don't have to deal with that bullshit. Good luck Ice and I really hope you can convince your parents this place isn't bad.
Good luck, bud. I hope everything works out for you in the end and your mother wises up about this place! Hopefully I'll catch you on IRC whenever.
Such a shame to see you go Ice, you were great to be around with.
Lucina said:
That is atrocious parenting Ice and you should fight back for your freedom, I can not believe someone would do that.
Tbh, I wouldn't call being worried that your kid could be getting groomed online as "atrocious parenting", overprotective probably, but not atrocious.
Hi, its kind of a long reason which I cant type out on my phone rn
But basically due to my brother making me feel like a horrible person I am basically not able to go home until Wednesday for the sake of my mental health and wellbeing
As a result I could potentially have VERY limited internet, so if I don't post in awards mafia that is why so don't yell at me for being inactive and not keeping up as I need to stay out of my house for my own sake
I am fine now and have places to stay and if I have access to my laptop I will explain the full story.
lily i hope you feel better, and keep safe.

Prayers to you.

Also my depression has finally eased up so ill be active again, havent managed to get surgery yet though, since i need a referral, but thanks for the best wishes anyway, love you guys.
Snake said:
Hi, its kind of a long reason which I cant type out on my phone rn
But basically due to my brother making me feel like a horrible person I am basically not able to go home until Wednesday for the sake of my mental health and wellbeing
As a result I could potentially have VERY limited internet, so if I don't post in awards mafia that is why so don't yell at me for being inactive and not keeping up as I need to stay out of my house for my own sake
I am fine now and have places to stay and if I have access to my laptop I will explain the full story.

So I'm kinda going through the same thing as lily, except it wasn't my brother, but my mother.... dont be surprised if i wont be online for a couple of days either. I'm not very comfortable with explaining it, because I'm still really emotional about it. I think I'll be back on thursday. maybe ill be on skype, but thats mostly because of my phone being logged into that skype.
Ghetsis said:
So I'm kinda going through the same thing as lily, except it wasn't my brother, but my mother.... dont be surprised if i wont be online for a couple of days either. I'm not very comfortable with explaining it, because I'm still really emotional about it. I think I'll be back on thursday.
