The Mario Boards make me rank something.


Title says it all. Each week, I'll try to post 2-4 choices for me to rank, and then I'll post those by the next week, along with the new choices. Each week will be a new game-based theme. The vote below ends at 7:00PM Central time on Thursday. To vote, quote the part of my post or mention me with your vote, so I'll get a notification.

This week's theme is Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. Your choices this week are:
  • The Basic Enemies (including all variants, but not Bwario, Bwaluigi, or Lava Queen)
  • The Midbosses (Bwario, Bwaluigi, Lava Queen)
  • The Bosses
  • Ultimate Challenges
I'll do something on Thursday to show the winner. See you then, and God bless!
The Bosses
Well, since Odie was the only person to vote (thanks), I'll change up the scheduling for the ranking.

Wednesday @7PM Central: Ranking released, Voting begins
Wednesday-Friday: Voting Period
Friday @7PM Central: Voting Closes
Friday-Wednesday: Ranking Deciding

That's the schedule to make it a bit easier on me. Be sure to vote before tomorrow!
I was at a grade party last night, so the voting lasted an extra day. Only one vote though, so the results are:
1st: The Bosses (1 vote)
4th: The Basic Enemies, The Midbosses, Ultimate Challenges (0 votes)

Since there are only four rankable choices, I'll go through them now, starting with last.
4. Icicle Golem This boss was unique, but wasn't great. Sure its a frozen area, but a massive Buckler thats basically a refrigerator. Even when you beat it and its head falls on the ground, you don't know to shoot it, dash it, or run circles around it. Finally, he freezes one of your party members, usually #3, and Peach flies in. Peach is good, I get it, but introducing you to new strategies while fighting something like 10 cells big is weird.
3. Rabbid Kong Perfect first world boss. He's big, he's stupid, and he loves bananas. It also teaches you more of the reach area mechanics, and how to divide and conquer on the battlefield. And the ending when Rabbid Peach knocks out his tower after selfieing a LOT with him. And he got an entire DLC based on him fighting the true DK.
2. MegaDragonBowser One of the best designed and hardest final bosses I've ever faced. Going from standard enemy to pyroclast-shooting fiend to an invincible shell, making you learn, retry, and conquer. He even burns you with an 100HP shot if you aren't careful, which can lead to casualties you weren't expecting.
1. Phantom To no one's surprise. Bowser Jr. making you make your enemy is cool enough, but to then have him diss you in an OPERA of all things is what makes this game great. Breaking his spotlight was even cooler. He also got the same DLC treatment, but dissed Rayman, Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Peach, and Beep-0 instead. He also has some of the best design, where he's a ghost with a phonogram in his see-through stomach, but becomes a Rabbid stomach when spotlights are broken. Chef's kiss.

Well then. Since the ranking is done, I'll go ahead on the next week theme, which is Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake. I haven't played it yet, so I'll be going off of the wiki. Here are this week's choices:
  • Partners
  • Chapters (including past the TTYD and postgame)
  • Chapter Bosses
  • Sets of Trials in the Pit of 100 Trials (1-10. 11-20, 21-30, etc.)
Remember, voting ends on Friday at 7PM Central! I need more votes to make it harder, lol.
I WOULD say voting's over, but it is currently tied between three choices:
  • Partners
  • Chapters
  • Chapter Bosses
So, due to this, these are the only choices for the next week, which means voting for this topic lasts EVEN LONGER. Hopefully, its not tied this time lol
I'm late :D Anyways, voting is now closed for Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and here are the results!
1st: Chapters (3 votes)
2nd: Partners (1 vote)
3rd: Chapter Bosses (0 votes, 2nd round)
4th: Pit of 100 Trials decasections (0 votes, 1st round)

I'll be ranking these soon, so expect them by Friday! God Bless!
First, yesterday I thought it was Wednesday. Second, I will be postponing the ranking for a while, because I do not want to completely spoil the game to myself before even purchasing it. I'll post my ranking depending on how much I enjoyed the Chapters once I beat/100% the game, so this thread will be inactive for a while. I apologize for the wait ahead!