Issue 199

Hooded Pitohui

The Bird With Batrachotoxin
Core 'Shroom Staff
Awards Committee
Poll Committee
Hooded Pitohui
Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom! It's no trick, and it's packed with treats; issue 199 of The 'Shroom is here! Like the house that hands out the best candy on the street, we've packed in all your favorites! Find out the latest in Mushroom Kingdom sports, traverse the desert in an old Mario flash game, read a review of a widely-beloved candy and its many varieties, check out some comics, and discover more within the issue!

The real terror of the month is that we're now only a month away from issue 200! But don't get frightened, because that also means you still have about a month to submit special sections! You've got until November 11th, so there's still time for you to bring your sections together and put the finishing touches on them, but don't delay! Get them to Meta Knight sooner than later!

We hope to see as many of you in the issue as possible, but, first, take some time to get some inspiration and go check out this issue! In the meantime, well, my Halloween decorating plans didn't quite work out, as you can read about in the Staff Notes, so I've got to go and focus on some... redecorating...
Cayduigi Time is officially canon and no one can say other wise.
As I've mentioned before, I likely won't be going all out and do a special section for Issue 200, because with how big the special section I had planned for Issue 200 was going to be and the pace I was writing the special section at being a bit slow, I wasn't going to get it done in time, but you can bet your boots I'll still be submitting to Issue 200, although it's going to be a basic section with a speech about reaching the Issue 200 milestone added into it. Hopefully that's okay. 😀
It's strange that the link highlights September 16th on the calendar even though that's not the issue this is.