Strategy writing

Koopa con Carne

call me Hot Lips, 'cause i'm a one-shot wonder
Koopa con Carne
I was looking to cite our "no-strategy" rule in an edit summary, but... I couldn't find it! It's not in the writing guidelines, even though I distinctly remember seeing it clearly somewhere in there--not to mention the countless times it's been evoked by other users and used as a basis for rewrites, which reinforced its importance. Has the rule been deleted? Was it ever a formal rule in the first place? Or did my faulty attention (or CTRL+F function) have a hand again and I just keep missing it?
In our good writing policy page, pseudo-walkthroughs are mentioned, but those are in the vein of excessive detail rather than direct gameplay strategy.

I did find an old 2007 proposal by Glowsquid that attempted to ban such type of writing...the proposal actually failed. I don't know how relevant it is today however.

There was a proposal conducted this year by Mario Sakuraba about adding boss strategies into their articles, and that one failed. The opposition votes also give reasons against strategy.

I'm not sure if there IS an official written policy in place, but honestly, I feel like strategy-type writing is going to be inherently subjective up to a degree and I think it should be discouraged, even without an explicit written policy, because I can imagine all sorts of debates on how to clear a boss the easiest and whatnot.