Sometime while surfing the internet (and even the Super Mario Wiki!)I stumble upon unseen before official-like artwork whose authenticity and source have not been confirmed as of yet.
This section is meant to deal with this kind of potential artwork that might be interesting for the gallery sections and sometimes even to have some more info on the physical appearance of some obscure characters!
Of course, everyone can post their cases here, as this section is meant as a hub for everyone to discuss these matters, not just for me!
That being said, here are the cases of today:
CASE 1: Another New Super Mario Bros. series artwork of Larry Koopa? Is it really posssible?
Wow, it seems that another artwork of Larry Koopa from the New Super Mario bros. series was made, after all!
Of course, since we are talking about Larry koopa, the artwork is just the NSMBW artwork with the right arm part changed. The shading seems to work decently, so if this is photoshopped, quite a good work was made. Not to say that Nintendo isn't new to these kinds of operations of changing just a part of an artwork to create new artwork.
So what you think? Is it official? Where does this come from?
CASE 2: The shoeless Yoshi
And now, this is fundamental. As far as I know, this is the only official-like image of a Yoshi foot, and is being used to describe Yoshi's physical appearance in the wiki, as a consequence. Another funny thing is that Yoshi cries without closing eyelids, but he has eyelids, so that could also clarify what happened to Iggy and Larry's eyelids (maybe they are still there, but the designers just don't want to draw them, actually if they wanted, they might even use the invisible nictitating membrane excuse to justify closed eyes without closed eyelid!).
Not to say that all around other awesome artwork can be seen (the Rex one, in particular).
So now, here are the questions: is it official? Where does it come from? The style is that of SMW official artwork, and it would seem a Japanese guide or art book related to that game (or Super Mario Advance 2).
This section is meant to deal with this kind of potential artwork that might be interesting for the gallery sections and sometimes even to have some more info on the physical appearance of some obscure characters!
Of course, everyone can post their cases here, as this section is meant as a hub for everyone to discuss these matters, not just for me!
That being said, here are the cases of today:
CASE 1: Another New Super Mario Bros. series artwork of Larry Koopa? Is it really posssible?

Of course, since we are talking about Larry koopa, the artwork is just the NSMBW artwork with the right arm part changed. The shading seems to work decently, so if this is photoshopped, quite a good work was made. Not to say that Nintendo isn't new to these kinds of operations of changing just a part of an artwork to create new artwork.
So what you think? Is it official? Where does this come from?
CASE 2: The shoeless Yoshi

Not to say that all around other awesome artwork can be seen (the Rex one, in particular).
So now, here are the questions: is it official? Where does it come from? The style is that of SMW official artwork, and it would seem a Japanese guide or art book related to that game (or Super Mario Advance 2).