So, what do we do with that SMB movie sequel webcomic?


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The 1993 live-action movie spawned a webcomic fan sequel, but with a twist: it was supervised by one of the original writer of the film:

Q: Is it canon?

A: Yes! Steven and Ryan worked with original writer Parker Bennett on outlining the project. Parker discussed in detail the backstory for the parallel world as well as possible ideas for the unproduced sequel, resulting in a groundwork for our team to script a new story. This adventure is as close to what would have made it on film.

It's currently mentioned on the wiki on a section of the SMB movie page because well, it's kinda worth mentioning, but here's the deal: if an important staff member of the original film is involved and it's truly a ~canon sequel~, then shouldn't it get full coverage on the wiki?

On the other hand, the thing is still essentially a fanfiction: Even with some writer approval, neither Nintendo, nor the film's directors, nor any of the production companies involved in the original move are ever going to acknowledge it as part of the Mario universe, or as derivative material for the movie.

Being an unimaginative chucklefuck, I thought we maybe could check out how other wikis handle this type of situation, and indeed, the Transformers Wiki has something comparable: The 90's Transformers: Generation 2 comic book was cancelled on a cliffhanger, but its writer later wrote a fanfiction explaining what would've happened after if the comic wasn't cancelled. The wiki decided to make a page about it, but with the caveat that it and mentions of the fanfic on "canon" pages are preceded with a disclaimer among the lines of "This is not canon but we feel it's worth talking about anyway".

The comparison's not perfect though, since that fanfiction was directly written by the original writer unlike the webcomic and there's a pretty big difference in importance: Simon Furman is an important writer who still actively contribute to Transformers fiction today, while nobody's gonna think of Parker Bennet when they think of Mario. Being zealous in fully covering a fanfiction based on the involvement of one cast member in an old and not very relevant film might be seen as kinda silly.

I haven't read the webcomic and I'm not invested in the question of what to do with it one way or another, but this is a very important question okay
Re: So, what do we do with that SMB movie sequel webcomic? (Trigger warning: nerds)

I don't know if it merits its own page but it could most certainly use a mention in the SMB movie page as it is now. As for getting its own page, I'm a little bit torn on the issue, as you said, but I think it's perfectly acceptable if all it got was a small blurb and summary on what it is.
Re: So, what do we do with that SMB movie sequel webcomic? (Trigger warning: nerds)


^that's toad

I like the idea of this being something we legitimately cover for no other reason other than the fact that it has a tendency to be silly.

On a serious note, the comic doesn't have any backing from an "official" place, like NoA, Iwata, or Rocky Morton or something. Regardless of how well-known Parker is or how well-attached he is to the Mario series, I'd say that alone should only warrant it a section on the film's page.
Re: So, what do we do with that SMB movie sequel webcomic? (Trigger warning: nerds)

It already has its own section on the movie page. Glowsquid linked to it and everything.

But yeah, a full page sounds a bit like coverage creep to me. By that logic, we should also make pages for Charles Martinet's Mario Vines, which would be too much - although we do include a Vine section on Mario's quote page (List_of_quotes_by_Mario#Charles_Martinet.27s_profile_on_Vine), and below that, some of his improv Q&A stuff, so really, there's already a bit of a standard going on with this sorta thing.

To me, the bigger question is whether we should take the Transformers wiki's lead and include info on the unofficial content on subject articles as well. For example, the the King/King Bowser/King Reznor (King (film character)) article currently mentions that "Reznor" is used in the comic (as well as an earlier script of the film, which is fair game); to me, that seems like a reasonably small amount of acknowledgement, as long as it's stated that the sequel is unofficial, whereas talking about his role in the comic or giving it a whole section would be going overboard. Similarly, Martinet-as-Mario Q&A facts could be mentioned on pages as interesting tidbits only; i.e. him saying his father's "Papa Pio Mario" etc. could go on Papa, but the article itself wouldn't be renamed.

This situation (well, the Martinet Q&As moreso than the original comic matter) actually reminds me of how an actor who played a Star Trek character developed an extensive backstory headcanon he drew on when portraying the guy, and eventually wrote a book about the character's past, which is considered fully part of the "extended canon" or whatever. Of course, many fans treat it like it's regular canon too, as well as these little fanfics he wrote retelling episodes from his character's POV and used to read at conventions - although the wiki(s) only cover the book afaik (but I kinda wish they did have the episodes too: they sound interesting, just like our own grey-area stuff).
Re: So, what do we do with that SMB movie sequel webcomic? (Trigger warning: nerds)

Yeah, it's out little gray area. We might kind of dismiss the webcomic sequel because of it and the movie's poor quality. If both were actually beloved by fans, very popular, and resembles professional work than a fanfiction, the idea to include it as its own page might have more support. After all, somebody has got to read the thing, so the better the work, the more willing people are going to contribute. Hence why I even contributed to Mario's quotes in the Vine page. It's always fun to listen to these and then put it for Mario nerds to see.

We cover stuff not officially recognized by Nintendo. You know, Hotel Mario, Mario edutainment games (or most of them if I'm mistaken), that crazy stuff. But this might be going a bit far with the coverage. It could have its own extended section in the article, more than a few lines, perhaps.
Re: So, what do we do with that SMB movie sequel webcomic? (Trigger warning: nerds)

am i the only person who is seeing that this exists and just like

Re: So, what do we do with that SMB movie sequel webcomic? (Trigger warning: nerds)

No, and nobody cares.
Okay, so, I'm bumping this due to the recent edits of this anon (Special:Contributions/ What we have on the wiki already claims it's canonical (Super_Mario_Bros._(film)#Sequel_webcomic), which is obviously debatable as you can tell by the earlier posts in this thread. It's got one of the official writers from the Super Mario Bros. movie on board, the rest is a fan project. I haven't heard about this comic in a few years, likely because the last update it had was in 2015.

The project is certainly impressive, though it seems to have died, but I'd like to continue this discussion on how we should cover it. Personally, I think what we have on the wiki about it is enough, though I don't think I could exactly call it "canon" due to 99% of the project being done by fans.
I still think that having it on the Super Mario Bros. movie page is the best compromise. It's not a full project, it's not officially endorsed, and it nicely fits in the page because it's related to the movie.
like having a single writer from the mario movie doesn't make it official.
I don't feel we need any more information than what is already on the Super Mario Bros. film page, as even if one of the writers is involved, it hasn't been considered official and is mostly done by fans.
My opinion on this hasn't changed in the intervening three years.