What are you listening to right now? (PLEASE put videos behind spoiler tags)

"I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)", by The Proclaimers
"Just What I Needed" - The Cars

I was just thinking about this song as I opened the store this morning, and now as I get ready to close up shop for the day, it's playing on the radio 8)
its one of the best boss battle themes from kirby
i love all the music in this game
I remembered this from the website teaser a few years back. Somehow it sounds much better after a few listens. I love the Hybrid part around 1:10. Needs more hybrid. Could use more hybrid. Maybe I should just listen to Hybrid.
The Binding of Isaac - Enmity of the Dark Lord
The Binding of Isaac - My Innermost Apocalypse
The Binding of Isaac - Latter Days
The Binding of Isaac - The Clubbing of Isaac

Basically, these 4 are on repeat shuffle and they're too good.