New babies for Yoshi's Island 3DS?

I was thinking about adding Baby Daisy to the new Yoshi's Island 3DS game, But what if they introduce NEW babies like Baby Waluigi or Baby Rosalina? tell me what you thimk about this topic and if you have any ideas for new babies. tallyhoo :posh:
I think there are enough babies as is. No more should be introduced in my opinion.
ThePremiumYoshi said:
I think there are enough babies as is. No more should be introduced in my opinion.
Well, despite the fact that Nintendo already created Baby Daisy and should to find a place for her, I don't think there's need to create baby forms of all adult characters in games reluctantly.

I mean, it's okay to tell all characters' pasts since those babies (Waluigi, Rosalina, Pauline) actually exist before. But their present appearances in other major games are obviously not enough at all. It's strange to know Daisy's past more than what she is now.

The information and trailers we have right now haven't shown much about babies yet. Maybe only the old ones being hostage role and no baby coplayers this time.
i don't think we need any more baby characters. in fact, we should have less.
We have way more than enough babies already. I don't think any more are necessary.
Now, "Baby Waluigi" or "Baby Rosalina" is taking it too far.
No new babies until this guy stops getting kidnapped

Baby :waluigi: just so people stop creating fake pages for him, and plus he's my second favourite Mario character.
I only want Baby Waluigi if he looks like that^. "Baby Rosalina" really wouldn't jive with her whole graceful, centuries-old master of the universe setup. It'd be cool to see Baby Daisy incorporated into the Yoshi series tho - actually give her some reason for existing (although I'd still rather see adult Daisy show up beyond spinoffs).
Matt Foley said:
Baby Metal Honey Queen

Baby Metal Dry Honey Queen is better
id love it if it was just baby mario and no bullshit gimmicks just like smw2