Games You Like that Nobody Else Does

I may not love it, but DmC: Devil May Cry is a decent game, and certainly a better action game than most of the other crap these days. Also, I like Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 still.
Octopus Dance (Nintendo Land)

I don't see why critics call this boring. The music is catchy, the gameplay is simplistic and fun!

By the way, it says "Games You Like that Nobody Else Does". It doesn't say what type of game, and minigames is a type of game.
Groden said:
What the fuck?

Do you have no sense of what "fun" is? How can you even tolerate those broken games?
go away don't infringe on my free speech man, if you don't like my posts then don't read them.
Wario ware DIY.

A fail in the public eye, but I thought it was the best nine bucks I've spent.
I found Mario Party Advance to be a pretty good game. Granted it wasn't the best game, but I liked the concept of it. =P
Geno said:
Wario ware DIY.

A fail in the public eye, but I thought it was the best nine bucks I've spent.
I agree it is pretty fun
I wasn't that big on Warioware DIY but that's only becuase I lack a creative mind in game making.
Lux Pain.

Call me a bad Ace attorney fan, but I liked Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Yes, it is one of the weaker games in the series, but it isn't bad imo.
I mean, yes, Phoenix's reason for his disbarrment was a little lame and some of the characters were uncharacterized (like Apollo) also there were some gaping plotholes.
However, there were some good characters in it (Klavier, Trucy) and the Kuraim/Dl-6 storyline honestly couldn't have been continued without it feeling forced. Plus it also made everything questionable and has left all sorts of questions to be answered in Dual Destinies. Plus the gameply hadn't changed in anyway, apart drom percieving. I just hope that Dual destinies answers some plotholes though. Plus, AJ is actually the best selling in the entire series iirc.
^Please tell me who hates Apollo Justice so I can kick him.
However, I must admit that 4-3 is probably the worst case in the series, simply because it's full of weird and rage-worthy stuff, like everyone refusing to tell how a magic trick it's done because "it's magic!", along with Dante/Klavier solving the case for you.
I found Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time to be the best one of thew series. I always hear this one as this worst... IDK why.
Xpike said:
^Please tell me who hates Apollo Justice so I can kick him.
However, I must admit that 4-3 is probably the worst case in the series, simply because it's full of weird and rage-worthy stuff, like everyone refusing to tell how a magic trick it's done because "it's magic!", along with Dante/Klavier solving the case for you.
There are a lot of haters. Some that say 'You aren't a true fan if you like AJ'
Anyway, 2-1 is the worst case imo as the memory loss thing seemed forced and lame.
'3Kraid said:
The 2 Galaxy games, apparently.
This one too.

Phantom L said:
Xpike said:
^Please tell me who hates Apollo Justice so I can kick him.
However, I must admit that 4-3 is probably the worst case in the series, simply because it's full of weird and rage-worthy stuff, like everyone refusing to tell how a magic trick it's done because "it's magic!", along with Dante/Klavier solving the case for you.
There are a lot of haters. Some that say 'You aren't a true fan if you like AJ'
Anyway, 2-1 is the worst case imo as the memory loss thing seemed forced and lame.
But the case itself had logic and could certainly be done in real world conditions, 4-3 has some really weird deductions on both the defense and prosecution, the writting wasn't as top notch, and of course that goddamn video that was played every 5 minutes.
'3Kraid said:
The 2 Galaxy games, apparently.

It's only in this forums I know where the Galaxy games aren't liked
Hitoshura said:
Baby Luigi said:
'3Kraid said:
The 2 Galaxy games, apparently.

It's only in this forums I know where the Galaxy games aren't liked

First game for me was good, that's because it was actually SPACE. Second game was a linear uncreative mess.

Truly spoken of Super Mario Galaxy 2
DCI Gene Hunt said:
'3Kraid said:
The 2 Galaxy games, apparently.

this. especially two.

As I said before, it only applies to this forum. Everywhere else, they rave about those games.

Unless, you meant the general population is this forum.
Xpike said:
Serge Breaker said:
Devil May Cry 2. I don't see too much about why it's hated besides difficulty being disgustingly easy..
That's it, it's no fun at all.

If a game is easy, I try to not use moves that break it, aka Majin Devil Trigger. It's not a great game, but I feel it's worth a bit of praise.

Btw, if you like Dante, pick up Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. Dante appears in it, and he's awesome as ever. Keep in mind, Nocturne is insanely hard.
King Antasma said:
Various Spongebob games on the GBA.

Not sure if people hate them, just that hardly anyone has played them.

i remember those! i think i had "spongebob squarepants: light, camera, pants!" on the gba...