Games You Like that Nobody Else Does


King Bowser
Yay a copy of another thread.

Anyway, I'll admit I actually enjoy Sonic Free Riders. Honestly, well, to put it simply:
*Menu worked fine for me
*Was able to play it for a solid 3 hours before getting puffed out
*Controls as a whole were mostly responsive (besides jumping)
*Music isn't unbearable
*Not nauseating
The game did however keep repeatedly pausing at the worst of times, though I fixed it by turning off voice recognition, and I haven't even tried multiplayer (because everyone else has problem with the menu apparently). Obviously it will work better with different people, of course, and it just so happened to work well with me.

So yeah, any games that you like but everyone else seems to dislike/hate?
In terms of other people I know, NHL games.

I played one game I have for the N64 again just recently. Still one of my favorites on the platform next to more popular titles like the Mario games on it.
While it's certainly not one of the best in the series, I didn't think that Shadow the Hedgehog was that bad.
I really, really like Super Mario 64 and Deus Ex, why can't anyone see how perfect and beautiful these games are? Fucking philistines, they all are.
Crocodile Dippy said:
I really, really like Super Mario 64 and Deus Ex, why can't anyone see how perfect and beautiful these games are? Fucking philistines, they all are.
What the fuck?

Do you have no sense of what "fun" is? How can you even tolerate those broken games?
Since I haven't bothered to ask all 7 billion+ people in the world what games they don't like, I don't know that answer.
I like Pikmin 1, everyone else hates it because of it's time limit.
Sticker Star is the only one that really comes to mind right now.

EDIT: I forgot about Metroid: Other M. That one's good, too.
Pretty much every licensed PS2 game including The Golden Compass and Narnia: The Witch and Wardrobe. Also the Totally Spies game.
Mario4Ever said:
Sticker Star is the only one that really comes to mind right now.

Also Yoshi's Island DS and Sonic Unleashed.
Mario4Ever said:
Sticker Star is the only one that really comes to mind right now.
Yeah, I like Paper Mario: Sticker Star too.
Family Party 90 Great Games Party Pack

People find the fact that all you basically do in this game is waggle your wii remote but I suprisingly find this game quite fun. The A.I. is hilarious because of how dumb they can be, the minigames are fun once you find out how to play them and game is at least playable.

All games by Data Design Interactive (even though I still think their games are crap)

These games are kind of just a guilty pleasure. I still feel that they control terribly but for some reason, I find some kind of enjoyment out of it.
Cynthia said:
Electro Specter said:
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

Spirit Tracks, too.

I was going to say Spirit Tracks too, but I think people were more favorable towards it than Phantom Hourglass, which is a shame because both were pretty decent.

I think I've played through Phantom Hourglass about five times now.
Game & Wario (very underrated Wii U game, even in Japan)