What's the weather like outside right now?

Around 51F (11C), and sunny
20 Degrees, and Sunny.
Cloudy here in Buffalo

Yesterday it was pounding rain
Pretty warm and dry here in Southern California. That's 27°C.
Dark, as far as I can see.
Sunny as hell, 27 Degrees.
Sixty something degrees and pouring rain.
Sunny on one side, and dark storming clouds with lots of thunder happening on the other.

Seriously, it's almost day and night with the sky right now; we've had this weather for the last few days.
Cloudy and muggy
Hot and sunny.
Sunny, 20 Degrees.
Not really warm, in Summer terms, but at least it's not -41 Degrees, like the Winter in Poland last year.
It's in Celcius, that's how most of Europe rolls (except for UK and Ireland, probably).
MKGirlism said:
It's in Celcius, that's how most of Europe rolls (except for UK and Ireland, probably).
We go degrees Centigrade.

Anyway I've got sun, which is surprising because I'm from England