Your current mood.

Depressed, hopeless and longing.

It has hit me again. For over a year now. Every time I think I'm over this stupid breakup, it hits me again. *hugs teddy bear*
Good, I'm finally able to breathe after what's probably been a week and a half.

The work has eased on me today, I get to game a bit today.
in pain

i tried advil and midol and neither are working so i'm sitting here in my own pain and thinking about it makes it worse but it's impossible not to think about it

EDIT: ugh i feel like i'm going to throw up
happiness rating? 9/10
Somewhat stressed.

I'm being forced to do this guided reading thing with Year 8s tomorrow despite making it completely clear I don't want to and know I wouldn't be good at it, was suddenly hit with this homework to do another English presentation despite just being the assistant this time around because the main person has been away since it was set,and I'm just trying to do my Statistics coursework in the midst of this.
Bored, have the chance to play any videogame I would like to, but instead myself forces me to watch boring youtube videos. I'm in danger..
lonely. usually I get over it in like one day but i've been feeling this way for a week...
being under pressure which im feeling like all the time with few exceptions since like 3 years

eh, at least this way i dont have much room for other feelings
Eri Ayase said:
being under pressure which im feeling like all the time with few exceptions since like 3 years
I can relate, I almost never don't feel that way.

Heck, I feel that way now, I have to finish this presentation before tomorrow and barely had time to start it.