Mario Party 9

I didn't really like the Candy thing they used in 8.

500 replies! :eek:
It really makes no sense that they're almost the exact same thing...

Well, my facts aren't too straight if something's wrong here.
I don't really care what they use, since it doesn't affect gameplay much...

By the way Ralph, your sig is way too big.
That looks way taller than 250 px to me, but if you say so.
Well, seeing as you can't eat orbs, yes...but orbs were way better because they didn't have stupid names.
I wish Nintendo would bring back normal items like in the first few Mario Parties. I don't like how they have the candy, orb, and capsule items in MP 5, 6, 7, and 8. Oh yeah, and Magic Lamps need to come back, too! They PWN! ;D
I'm sure in their next game they'll have Donkey Kong characters playable. Just look at Super Sluggers...
If any new significant characters are introduced in SMG2, they could be a possibility as well.
Fawfulfury65 said:
I wish Nintendo would bring back normal items like in the first few Mario Parties. I don't like how they have the candy, orb, and capsule items in MP 5, 6, 7, and 8. Oh yeah, and Magic Lamps need to come back, too! They PWN! ;D

The orbs/candy/capsules, or whatever, don't make much of a difference to me, since they do practically the same things. But I like the wiggler/flutter orbs better than the magic lamps personally, if you're talking about the thing that took you to that big Buddha guy, to transport you to the star. He always freaked me out.
Please, no... spare us from those babies.
What voice do you speak of? o_0
I don't really like the babies too much. It wouldn't even make sense to have Baby Mario and Baby Luigi in the same game as Mario and Luigi.