What if your avatar met the avatar above?

I can try to make you implode instead
I can't even talk to you?
Here's a walkie-talkie. I have one too. We can talk like this in a distance
Brony the 45th Nazgul of the great Sith Lords said:
I mean it this time,surrender the donut.

Say, "please"

GalacticPetey said:

Roar? Can someone translate
What's your name again?
That's it kid,this is your last warning,give up the donut or die.
But you didn't say, "Please"! It's the magic word! See, I'm giving you hints.
Too late. I already ate it in panic.
Bob-ombs and Bullet Bills have that fate too.
Hey Radagast! How's my siblings Palmon and Shroomboom doing?
AJ:Do you think Flutershy wants one of those?
RD:I'm not sure,it looks kind of aggressive.
Hey-o Robot-thingy.

Want to visit my friend Drill Sergeant?