Legendary Pictures' Godzilla

What did you think of the movie?

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ernesth100 said:
Super Smash Misty said:
Toothless said:
Super Smash Misty said:
Toothless said:
Sylveon said:
I have the feeling dragonfreak is defs going to watch this.
I am not a big Godzilla fan...or any at all.......yet, since I have not really watched any Godzilla movie, I can see myself liking the movies, especially this one.
Please watch Godzilla VS. Mechagodzilla
Perhaps if I can get a copy and/or pirate iti online.
I would lend it to you but this is the Internet.
Don't worry I sent him links.
Thanks again!
Mario4Ever said:
the article said:
Yes, there is a strong running belief that Godzilla is just too fat! It seems this take on the character has put on one too many pounds during his hibernation. And the critiscm has spread across the Internet. One adamant Japanese fan had this to say after seeing Godzilla for the first time.

""Whichever way you look at it, he's an American fatty!"

The name Godzilla is a combination of gorilla and kujira (meaning Whale). This new American version of the giant lizard pulls both of those animals into its physique and build, but that doesn't seem to matter. The people of Japan like their giant lizards to be on the svelte side. Another outraged fan Tweeted:

"He got fat in America on cola and pizza!"
Japan is known for its image of Americans as a nation of expanding waistlines. This stereotype doesn't come without justification, as obesity levels are below 4% in that country compared to the U.S., where the obesity rate is 36%.

Here are other complaints heard about Godzilla in the past week.

"He's couch potato Godzilla ."

"It's got no neck."

"He Supersized."


At least a couple of the younger Japanese fans seemed to be okay with Godzilla's swelling beer gut.

"It's chubby and cute."

"It looks like a seal.

"I'm looking forward to this. Well, everyone gets middle-age spread."

While the Japanese fans have been pretty harsh in their fat shaming of the iconic beast, they are at least positive about the movie itself.

"It looks better than the last Hollywood Godzilla. He looks stronger than the original."

Godzilla marks the movie monster's 60th Anniversary, and will be released in Japan under the Toho banner. While Godzilla is ready to stomp on American audiences May 16, Japan will have to wait a little longer, as it doesn't open overseas until July 25. Maybe he can undergo a CGI tummy tuck before then. At this time, Warner Bros., Legendary Films and Gareth Edwards have no comment about his apparent weight gain. Perhaps he can get on the treadmill and slim down before the sequel.
Stellar news!!! The trailer for Christopher Nolan's next film, Interstellar, is coming out with this movie. Which means I have to see this now.
I thought it doesn't start playing till Thursday night?

Anyway, I'm not going to buy my ticket until reviews come out, just to make sure. I have a feeling it'll be highly rated, but I'm still going to be cautious. 80% or higher on Rotten tomatoes should be fine for me, maybe 70% or higher if people here say it's good.
Godzilla said:
If you live in europe, it comes out a day earlier.

what's weird tho is that they have exactly one show at 8pm on wednesday and no more for the rest of the week.
No-Face said:
I thought it doesn't start playing till Thursday night?

Anyway, I'm not going to buy my ticket until reviews come out, just to make sure. I have a feeling it'll be highly rated, but I'm still going to be cautious. 80% or higher on Rotten tomatoes should be fine for me, maybe 70% or higher if people here say it's good.
stop putting so much stock in crtics and form your own opinion

in my experience, it's best to talk to someone who's seen it, ask about thing you'd like or dislike, and form an opinion from that
From what I'm reading from the few reviews there are so far, the action parts are good, but the emotional depth that the humans are supposed to carry falls flat.
Dr. Javelin said:
No-Face said:
I thought it doesn't start playing till Thursday night?

Anyway, I'm not going to buy my ticket until reviews come out, just to make sure. I have a feeling it'll be highly rated, but I'm still going to be cautious. 80% or higher on Rotten tomatoes should be fine for me, maybe 70% or higher if people here say it's good.
stop putting so much stock in crtics and form your own opinion

in my experience, it's best to talk to someone who's seen it, ask about thing you'd like or dislike, and form an opinion from that
i do form my own opinion, that's exactly what i do

unfortunately, your experience is not my experience. people tell me a movie is good, i watch it, i don't like it. i generally agree with critics, that's just how i roll, so i usually trust their reviews. do i always agree with the general consensus? no. but if i want to trust their reviews, let me, sheesh
^To be honest, Yamane and his daughter were the only interesting characters to me.
Mario4Ever said:
^To be honest, Yamane and his daughter were the only interesting characters to me.
Not even Serizawa? I found him the most compelling. He's a tortured man who mys face a decision no man has ever faced. Unleash the oxygen destroyer on the world, or allow Godzilla to rampage until there is no civilization left? In the end, he gives his life to save his work from falling in the wrong hands.

I do agree that Ogata was not that interesting. I wish he had a bigger part, but Takarada did good with what he was given. Yamane is also one of my favorite characters in the entire series.

Anyway, Chris over on Toho Kingdom has given the movie a five out of five. I haven't read it, because it contains spoilers. But good reviews are always a good sign.

Got my tickets reserved. We're so close now. It feel like yesterday we were hearing rumors about a new Godzilla movie. That was back in 2009. It's amazing how far we've come. And now it's almost here.
The problem with Serizawa was that there wasn't really anything that made me care about him before his decision (he just kind of gave off a vibe that if he disappeared, no one would miss him, basically spending all his time in the basement lab). His sacrifice had little meaning to me because of that. I understood the significance of it, but I didn't find Serizawa himself to be significant, in other words.

The film's also getting some bad reviews (one says there are only five minutes of footage worth seeing). The general impression seems to be that Godzilla's great, but the other characters aren't.