UBB 4: Nabber won!

Xerneas said:
Nabber, I kept my final 2 promise with you. Not only did I help you throughout the first half, but I got Rocker and NSM to expose their alliance to everyone, pulling the target off of you and onto them and Toad.
You said I was drunk when I told you that, but it worked perfectly.

Toad, I BADLY wanted you to win. I really wanted to vote you because you played one if the best games in this house. My vote would have made you win too. I feel so bad but I had to keep my promise to Nabber.

The Quintet decided to vote the same after me and NSM voted the same. NSM stated his reasons, and Rocker felt Nabber was more nicer.

Wait i stated a reason why i voted Nabber.

I don't remember this.

My original reason was that i was originally going to offer Nabber to go to the final three (two after nsm was evicted) with me even though he actually didn't need my help but never actually did it, to make up for my idiocy, i voted Nabber.
Congratulations, Nabber.
Some of my Diary Room stuff.

Xerneas said:
BMB said:

Also, Diary Room session!

Previous week nominations:
Even though I thought I was safe, it seems that I'm not. Who knows how bad this week could get?

After end of week:
They thought that they could get rid of me due, but I still managed to stay in the game, even though my situation was...complex.

News of not competiting in HoH:
Why do I have to be the one not to play in the HoH competition? My fate lies in the hands of whoever wins this competition. I am going to need a miracle for me not to be a target this week.

Two HoHs:
Shoot, there are two HoHs! Hm...I could probaly use this to my advantage. Though they are not in my alliance, or my pseudo-alliances, they are not allowed to vote. I'll see what I come up with.

Okay, I have done the math, and I made a decision. I went up to HoH room and told both of them to nominate me and another user that would act as a pawn. I told them that if I don't win Veto that they can send me home. My plan's outcome will soon become clear in a bit.

So it's official; me, Toad, NSM, Nabber, and Rocker have all met in the Storage Room and finalized our alliance. We are now called the Quintet, each with our own nickname, given by me. I'm the manipulator, NSM is the logical, Toad is the brains, Rocker is the undercover, and Nabber is the fighter. I believe that we will make it far.

The battle lines have been drawn: us five versus Bop, Yoshiwaker, Randomguy, Reversinator, M4E, and Palkia. We are going to need to get rid of all of them in order for the Quintet to make it to the Final 5. I really do like many of them, but they will only stand in our way to victory.

I have an alliance with Nabber for the Final 2, an alliance with NSM and Toad85 in the Final 3, and the Quintet in the Final 5. It will be interesting who I'll take all the way to the end, if I even get that far.

Xerneas said:
While I'm waiting for the results...Diary room session that you do not want!

Darn it, they didn't buy my deal I made with them. Perhaps they saw through the disguise, or maybe I was too late. All I know is that my two allies Nabber and Toad are on the block, and worse is that I have a secret alliance with both of them separate! I really hope that I can be in the veto in order to save one of them so I don't have to decide between them.

Man am I so glad that my nomination idea failed. Problem is, if I don't play in the Veto, I am probably going to be the one nominated if it is not won by my allies. Let's just hope that this week can not be a living hell for me.

It's about time Nabber, Rocker, Toad, NSM, and I formed an alliance. We call ourselves "The Quintet", which WILL dominate the house! Funny thing is, the only thing that connects us all together is...well, me. Rocker is my ally, Nabber is my secret final two partner, and Toad and NSM are my Host's Til Death alliance members.

So I did the odds, and if we survive this week, the Quintet will be in control of the votes, and we'll be sailing through the house with power. Hopefully we can win the next HoH instead of winning all of the Vetos. Wow, I just realized that only Quintet members have won the PoV this season.

Our targets for the next few weeks are Bop and Yoshiwaker. Both of them are gunning after us, and we need to get them out - fast. After that, we can deal with Randomguy, Palkia, M4E, and Reversinator. It's crazy how when you make an alliance what path you need to go down to get the Final 5.

Now, I know we just formed the alliance, but once we get to the final five, I need to be prepared, because I'm going to be a big target. I'm going to need to pretend to be with my HTD alliance and get Rocker sent out, but perhaps Toad or NSM if I get the chance. Then I need to somehow get me and Nabber past the Final 4 so that we can make it together to the Final 2. It sounds so much easier in words.

PoV Drawing:
My. Fate. Lies. In. My. Teammates.

It's worse enough that I couldn't play in the HoH, but now my place in this house is being held on the thread of a needle. NSM, Toad, or Nabber need to win this. If I could sweet talk Reversinator, I could perhaps make a truce with him this week, but after Week 1, I'm not so sure I can really persaude him.

The competition draws down to Toad, NSM, and Nabber! Best day ever! Palkia was out from the getgo, and Reversinator and M4E were not so far behind! This is my lucky day!

Nabber won the Power of Veto! YES! *BLEEP* YEAH! Sorry...anywho, Nabber won the PoV, and has the ability to veto himself and put up Bop! Our luck has finally began rebounding! I'm tired of one of us being nominated constantly, being Toad and Nabber. Let's hope we have the votes to get Toad past this week.

Veto Ceremony:
As expected, Bop is on the block for the second week in a row. We have four of the eight, possibly nine votes if M4E comes down to it. I just hope that the other side of the house is not as coordinated in an alliance as we are, or else we can kiss Toad goodbye.

Xerneas said:
I haven't done Diary Room in a while.

Week 4
Well, Toad survived the eviction, but by a hair. I don't want to ever see something that close again, not with the Quintet!

The HoH competition of course falls down to me, New Super Mario, and Yoshiwaker. The odds seem to be more in favor of New Super Mario, as he seems have me nailed, but Yoshiwaker is already on to me. Let's hope that the points are in one of our favors and not Yoshiwaker's.

By a point New Super Mario lost, and man was it brutal. Yoshiwaker is HoH, and he tried nominating me before, and I know he will most likely go after me. I just hope that the Quintet doesn't lose a member this week, more so me.

Welp, I was nominated, but it seems like there is a ray of sunshine coming through those musky old glass-esque object we call sliding doors. Okay, it would not be as dirty if Rocker and Nabber took the time to do their share of chores and cleaned the darn window like I've asked them! I do all the dishes and such, and I give them one task! I'm getting sidetracked...WHO LET ME GET SIDETRACKED!?

...sorry, I must just be emotional about the nominations. Well, I'm nominated but at least Reversinator is nominated as well. Yoshiwaker must think we two are in a cahoot together, ha! I just hope my team has my back going into this week, because if not, I or one of them will be walking out that door.

New Super Mario, Nabber, and Rocker are all in this veto! You can call it either luck, or just...well, I'm just going to go with luck. It will be 4 against 2. We must NOT let Reversinator leave that block at all costs, no matter what!

Welp...I failed. I was in the competition, and I could not piece those pictures together. I watched everyone else and saw they were struggling too, but I could even get past the first one. I'm such a failure.

New Super Mario won the veto! Bittersweet rather, because I know that Reversinator will be staying on the brink of eviction, but I will probably be too. New Super Mario is still undecided, but based on the conversations we have been having, it doesn't look like I'm coming off.

Nominations remain the same, since New Super Mario did not want another one of us going on the block, which I understand. Plus it would give way to our alliance, and I cannot let that happen. He made the right move, but I still feel awful.

I heard the host say Reversinator's name, and I almost jumped out of my seat in joy. Even though my team turned me into the pawn and made Reversinator the target, I was 1 vote away from being in Reversinator's seat, which is now out of this house. I need to start winning things, or else I'm just going to be a dead weight on people. Not as bad as Rocker, who is still just a floater that has hooked onto us.

Week 5
Randomguy was here a minute ago, and now he has been replaced by Smasher. I somewhat backstabbed Smasher completely, but hey, Vinnie was the one that nominated him, not me. At least he hasn't seen me as the one responsible, so as long as I try to buddy up with him, I think we will grow strength in our numbers. And no, I am not turning the Quintet into the Sixtet - I'm just going to not tell my team I've made a side alliance with Smasher.

The HoH competition is set, and we all walk out to a music-themed parlor, in the center eight buzzers and three options. It seemed like this was going to be a "score-as-many-points-as-possible" challenge. With the theme, I'm sure that I'll have a better chance.

Me and other person flew through this challenge as we remained in charge of all the answers. It has came so close that a tiebreaker has ensured. I just hope that my answer is the closest.

(if me)Yes! My first HoH win of the season! I have a very difficult decision to make, but hopefully it will be worthwhile. I'm just...so happy that I get to stay in this house for a week, and ensure that I will remain in this house for the week.

(if a Quintety)I didn't win HoH, but at least I know that I'm safe for the week with (name) as HoH! Plus, then I get to compete in next week's HoH, and I will be smooth-sailing for perhaps two weeks if I get HoH next week! I love how the tides are coming out way now.

(if not Quintet)*BLEEP*! Shoot, we lost to the other side of the house, and I'm almost sure that our luck has finally drained completely. I could be on the block again, or one of my teammates could be. The options of getting the other side of the house out are going down the drain each week we don't win an HoH. Come on Quinteties! Hehe, that sounds cool, Quinteties, a Quintety. :D

Xerneas said:
Diary Room session!

As HoH/Pre-veto noms/Veto nom
It's not fantastic, it's not amazing, it's...it's...BLOOPERIFIC! HoH right here, woot!

I've been waiting WAY too long to finally get in this position! I'm just glad that I can finally go into the pool and just relax without flipping out over one of us being on the block or - especially for the last two weeks - have one of us safe for the week thanks to a small majority. I just might need a massage to rough out all my tense thoughts.

Toad and I have been pseudo-arguing so that it seems that we are not working together. I mean, Yoshiwaker thought me and Reversinator were allies, and he couldn't be more wrong. Heck, Perhaps that'll happen again. I can only hope that if one of them get HoH next week it'll be and Smasher on the block together. But back to the arguing, it seems like it's working for the most part.

Talking to my fellow Quinteties, and Toad just randomly steps up to be pawn for the week. Thanks to our arguing earlier in the day, he wants to be on the block just to make it seem more like we are not working together. At this point, I'm not really feeling like we are working together much.

I know that I want Yoshiwaker to be evicted, but do I want to wait at the beginning of the week, try backdooring him, or just wait another week. I could put him against the other main competitor of the house on that side M4E, but I don't want one of both of them surviving this week and having two people gunning after me.

Toad has really been emphasizing being on the block, and that'll only return my stress of having one of us on the block. We have a 3-3 vote this week if Toad is on the block against them, and that is if everyone stays true to the alliance! It's too risky, I don't want him to be on the block if he could get evicted!

Well, I went with what we agreed to and nominated Yoshiwaker and Toad. I just hope that Toad can find a way out of eviction or else he might be the one sent packing, and it'll be all my fault. Yoshiwaker needs to get out of this house, and I cannot let him get off the block.

Pandora's Box/Veto comp/Veto ceremony
I opened Pandora's Box, and then the host tells me that I set a consequence on the house. I was like "Oh no, Yoshiwaker was going to somehow get off the block or I am not going to be able to play in the veto". Then I find out that only me, Toad, and Yoshiwaker will compete in the Veto. Fate could not be more on my side then right now.

Finally, I head back to my room and there is something waiting from Pandora. It's a little slip that says "Get-out-of-jail-free card." I read on and this becomes the best day ever! Not only can I ensure that I'm safe for this week, but possibly next week, and if all goes well for the Quintet, I can avoid eviction when we get to the Final 5 together.

We exit out to the backyard and there are all kinds of paintings decorating across the yard. I thought I was at some muesum, and I instantly became really bored. I mean, this must be some Fine Arts week or something with the music and now the paintings. Let's see if I really am gifted in music.

I'm heading into this Veto thinking I got it. I grab the five pieces of artwork that were of the highest rank, and I place them in my bin. Toad comes in right behind me, and Yoshiwaker is stuck with the scraps.

Though I was close, Toad won the Veto, and once again his plan was so much better than mine. Now he's safe for the week, and I can put up someone from the other side of the house so I can finally relax like I should've been this week.

I talked with him earlier, and he was fine with being a pawn, so I nominated M4E in Toad's stead. I'm pretty sure that Yoshiwaker is suspecting some sort of trickery between me and Toad, but he'll be long gone out of the house before he finds out about it.

If Yoshiwaker (99% sure it'll be him) - And so long two-time HoH winner! You see, I did my team a favor for getting rid of the person that has won the most HoH's so far because that only opens more chances for us to win an HoH, and less likely the other side of the house will win. Though with M4E and Palkia almost winning this week's HoH, I might be wrong...I hope not getting rid of M4E was a good decision.

If M4E (1% if one or two of us doesn't vote) - Well, he almost did win his second HoH this week, so I can see how this could benefit me, but now I have to deal with Yoshiwaker. I really do hope that Yoshiwaker can not win this upcoming HoH or else I'll be back on the block, and then a new week of pain and torture of stress.

Xerneas said:
2 Things...

1 - I am currently putting Week 9 as the two eviction week. Not a double eviction, but - as especially in the last few rl BB games - it's where there is one eviction in the first half of the week, and then the same thing in the second half. If not, since I'm "evicted" now, you can tell me how you want it organized. Until then, I'm putting in the 2 eviction thingy, or else the game will go to week 11.

2 - I never finished my Diary Room sessions.

NSM and Toad are doing awesome at getting M4E, and smasher is just holding on. I decided that Toad and NSM were doing enough to get our enemies out, so I'm just going to reserve my strength.

NSM and Toad are out, but so is M4E! All I have to do is take out Smasher, and then it will be me and Rocker!

Once Smasher fell, I just waited a few minutes, and then told Rocker "you won" and fell down. I hope that Rocker will see that I'm willing to push the Quintet all the way to the end, and allow him to win something this season.

Alliance and Noms
So I decided to go risky, and make two final three alliances. Rocker and Nabber would be the one I would take, and NSM and Toad I would pretend to work with. I got it all mapped out, and as long as they don't conflict, then everything will be perfect. I mean, I'm one of the most powerful players, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first targeted in the final 5.

We are all having fun being safe for the last few weeks. I'm pretty sure that another week, and then we'll be the best alliance ever!

M4E and Smasher are nominated! One of the Quintet players will not be in it, but the other 4 will be fighting to keep those two from winning!

Veto and Veto noms
So people were drawn for veto, and I was thankfully picked. Nabber wasn't, but hopefully that won't bite us in the butt.

I walk outside and it's a huge History book, and I immediately knew that if it was random trivia that I would nail it. This veto was mine for the grab.

It was down to me and M4E, in the tiebreaker. I watched, as if in slow motion, of me missing the veto by three points. I fell to me knees as I watched M4E - our number one enemy - win the veto. It was time for one of us to go up as a pawn and get rid of smasher.

Rocker seemed really reserved about his choice. Rocker and NSM have been together a lot, but I mean they probably like talking to a lot to each other. I mean, they both won little, so they have a lot to talk about.

I finally found Rocker after not seeing him for most of the day, and I told him that since NSM has been the only one not nominated so far this season, he should go up as the pawn. He seemed to just nod.

The veto ceremony came, and M4E pulled himself off the block. That was not the surprised, but me being nominated was. I mean, there had to be a pawn, but I hate being a pawn.

I was talking to Rocker to see why he nominated me, and then he started saying how I was a traitor, and instantly I knew something was wrong. That was when he revealed that he and NSM ganged together, and they told each other their alliance.

I instantly brought the Quintet together, and told them we need to work together to the end. I told them that it would be a waste to get rid of me this week because of my prize from two weeks ago. Besides, they do not want me their enemy.

I found out that I cannot use my prize. Out of all of the things that could happen, I would be screwed from using my prize-saver because of a technicality in the prize. A stupid little technicality. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if that's just because everyone wants to see me crash and burn.

Since I knew that I was in trouble, I still brought everyone into the living room, and dropped the bomb. I revealed the Quintet, I revealed NSM and Rocker's betrayal, I revealed that Toad was the one to convince them. They might have me down right now, but I will bring them down with me if I must.

Once all the drama ensured, I went to Nabber, and told him to win. Then I went to M4E and told him to make it as far as he can. Those two are the ones I want to win, especially since they are not backstabbers.

(The rest is no longer needed since I was "evicted")
Xerneas said:
Toad, I BADLY wanted you to win. I really wanted to vote you because you played one if the best games in this house. My vote would have made you win too. I feel so bad but I had to keep my promise to Nabber.

yeahhh, screw you. :P
Operation Paperclip said:
Xerneas said:
Toad, I BADLY wanted you to win. I really wanted to vote you because you played one if the best games in this house. My vote would have made you win too. I feel so bad but I had to keep my promise to Nabber.

yeahhh, screw you. :P

I said I was sorry.

I feel like such a huge d*** about it too, because I truly WAS the swing vote. I somehow knew I was going to be the swing vote. I even told you guys that I'm going to be the swing vote for a long time.

Ugh, I'm glad Nabber won, but Toad deserved it SO, oh SO much. I kind of just wished they tied and both of them winning.

Nabber, you should have evicted Toad instead in the final 3 so that you could have had an easier victory.
Xerneas said:
Operation Paperclip said:
Xerneas said:
Toad, I BADLY wanted you to win. I really wanted to vote you because you played one if the best games in this house. My vote would have made you win too. I feel so bad but I had to keep my promise to Nabber.

yeahhh, screw you. :P

I said I was sorry.

I feel like such a huge d*** about it too, because I truly WAS the swing vote. I somehow knew I was going to be the swing vote. I even told you guys that I'm going to be the swing vote for a long time.

Ugh, I'm glad Nabber won, but Toad deserved it SO, oh SO much. I kind of just wished they tied and both of them winning.

Nabber, you should have evicted Toad instead in the final 3 so that you could have had an easier victory.

You're lucky you even made it to the Jury.
Xerneas said:
Operation Paperclip said:
Xerneas said:
Toad, I BADLY wanted you to win. I really wanted to vote you because you played one if the best games in this house. My vote would have made you win too. I feel so bad but I had to keep my promise to Nabber.

yeahhh, screw you. :P

I said I was sorry.

I feel like such a huge d*** about it too, because I truly WAS the swing vote. I somehow knew I was going to be the swing vote. I even told you guys that I'm going to be the swing vote for a long time.

Ugh, I'm glad Nabber won, but Toad deserved it SO, oh SO much. I kind of just wished they tied and both of them winning.

Nabber, you should have evicted Toad instead in the final 3 so that you could have had an easier victory.
I was going to, but I keep my promises, and I felt like Toad deserved to win anyway.
Mario4Ever said:
Xerneas said:
Operation Paperclip said:
Xerneas said:
Toad, I BADLY wanted you to win. I really wanted to vote you because you played one if the best games in this house. My vote would have made you win too. I feel so bad but I had to keep my promise to Nabber.

yeahhh, screw you. :P

I said I was sorry.

I feel like such a huge d*** about it too, because I truly WAS the swing vote. I somehow knew I was going to be the swing vote. I even told you guys that I'm going to be the swing vote for a long time.

Ugh, I'm glad Nabber won, but Toad deserved it SO, oh SO much. I kind of just wished they tied and both of them winning.

Nabber, you should have evicted Toad instead in the final 3 so that you could have had an easier victory.

You're lucky you even made it to the Jury.

We could have easily got rid of you instead of Yoshiwaker when I was HoH. In fact, we should have.
You wouldn't even have been around to be HoH if I hadn't changed my vote due to a misunderstanding of how BB's voting system worked (I thought I was voting for who should stay, so I picked GD at the last second), but what's done is done. Was still a good game.
Mario4Ever said:
You wouldn't even have been around to be HoH if I hadn't changed my vote due to a misunderstanding of how BB's voting system worked (I thought I was voting for who should stay, so I picked GD at the last second), but what's done is done. Was still a good game.

So wait...you voted for me?

Then the votes are actually 5-2 for that week! (Cause Toad, Nabber, Rocker, and NSM kept in, so I would have been safe anyways).
Sorry to double-post, but I really wanted to bring this up.

Notice how at the beginning of the sign-ups Nabber said he wouldn't sign up for this because he didn't want to do it because he knew he was probably going to be attacked like always.

Nabber, aren't you glad that you did this game now? :P