Drop something on the person below you.

Drops nuke on it
I drop :bowser:
He probably enjoyed flattening me a la Mario Party 5 and 6.

J drops a live-sized house made of pancakes, dripping with syrup.
My dream finally came true.

TG drops Banjo, which is most probably gonna result in what happened to Duck Hunt in that trailer.
You kissed me, and you broke your N64! Good on you!

TG drops a chain chomp from the Link's Awakening remake.
I send him home.

I drop a bottle of Coca-cola.
I get rid of it, thus saving the world.

I drop a bag of popcorn.
I catch it by the handle. It glows, and then gains an extra five thousand pounds.

It breaks through the floor.
I destroy it.

I drop a Terminator.

I do a Kamehameha and it breaks through the floor. (I don't watch a lot of Dragon Ball.)